Great Desert Tracks Eastern Sheet Map Hema


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 Great Desert Tracks Eastern Sheet Map Hema Edition 9

Hema’s Great Desert Tracks maps are essential for anyone travelling in the Australian outback. The mapping features roads and 4WD tracks field-checked by the Hema Map Patrol, Points of Interest for remote area travellers and touring information for learning more about the region and planning your journey.

The Great Desert Tracks Eastern Sheet covers from Tennant Creek in the north to Port Pirie in the south, and from Cunamulla in the east to Alice Springs in the west. Marked on the mapping are roads and 4WD tracks checked by the Hema Map Patrol, distance markers, topographical relief and touring points of interest including 24-hour fuel, camping areas and caravan parks, facilities, services and more. Also included is information on travelling in the desert, what you need for the trip and relevant contact information.

Tracks covered include:

  • Oodnadatta Track
  • Birdsville Track
  • Strzelecki Track
  • Nullabor Plain
  • Corner Country
  • Lake Eyre
  • Simpson Desert
  • Plenty Highway
  • Sandover Highway
  • Channel Country
  • Hay River Track


Key Features

  • All maps field checked by the Hema Map Patrol
  • Printed on durable, waterproof paper
  • Camping areas
  • Fuel Supplies
  • GPS surveyed roads and tracks
  • Historical explorer routes
  • Points of Interest

Edition: 9th

ISBN 9781922668066

Publication Date: 15/06/22

Scale: 1:1,250,000

Folded size (WxHxD): 140mm x 250mm x 6mm

Flat size (WxH): 700mm x 1000mm

Locations within this Map

Lilyvale Kenmac Sherwood Downs Gilgunya Frachar Downs Morungle Dutton Downs Dunraven Fort Constantine Baroona Downs Rockvale Artesian Downs Gracedale Hazlewood Cammeray Osbert Yanborra Acton Downs Yan Yean Rainscourt Jones Valley Oxton Downs Ranmoor Wallegege Walkcege Denbigh New May Downs Ernestina Plains Caiwarra Lily Spring Gilldale Conjuboy Mywyn Jervoise Kidston The Oasis The Lynd Robinhoodold abandoned Percyville Myally Mount Hogan Lyndhurst Nara ruins Ten Mile Oak Park Gilberton Old Thorntonia abandoned Dora Vale Morstone Gleeson Boomarra Kingfield ruins Bar Creek Bortala Soapspar Melinda Downs Yambungan Riellys Gully Brinard Etta Plains Balootha Rocklands Etheldale Rose Green Reedy Springs Debella Gereta Haddington Bow Park Crow Holes Glenmore Cargoon Nowranie Byrimine Euthella Sunny Plains Lindfield Euraba Byrnelm Bunda Bunda Granada Camden Park Cubbaroo Lady Wallace Dalgonally Lara Downs Glengalla Clonagh Calton Hills Cabanda Shilmalier Ballaghmore Somerville Cremona Downs Bezuma Bezuma Downs Alisona Rothbury Park Walkers Park Walker Park Strathtay Zingari Woodlands Whinmoor Sutherland Ronald Plains Viola Manfred Downs Coalbrook Bauhinia Downs Auckland Downs Lydia Downs Consentes Gladevale Trivalore Burleigh Athlone Glenroy Cathan Cornwall Beeantha Mount Pleasant Glen Isla Wyaldra Gallipoli Flers Freshfields Caleewa Downs Ponjola Runnymede Dipvale Maria Downs Fairlea Kilterry Clutha Boonderoo Clyde Park Whim Bald Hills Towri Doncaster Rocky Olga Downs Grampian Valley Grampian Hills Alva Downs Camaray Yanko Dalkeith Strath-Stewart Lands End Keswick Burwood Cambridge Downs Colindale Werrina Teviot Dotswood Labba Glenusk Kywong Potosi Woodstock Narangie Rangelands Mahrigong St Mungo Thistlebank Llanrheidol Elderslie Aldingham Hillview Llorac Corrie Downs Archervale Gelebele Beryl Jabiru Menin Downs The Grove Hanworth North Crusoe Ashover Angus Downs Maryron Elvira Ensay Broadlands Hilton Downs Cracrin Aireworth Kentle Downs Jireena Keen Gea Butru Valley Wolseley Downs Nulgara Hampden Downs Mimong Judith Royal Albion Downs Wetherby Kiriwina Sutton Downs Shirley Penola Downs Sesbania Vellum Downs Waihaorunga Sandalwood Landsborough Holmleigh Cecil Plains Raelee Downs Evandale Eyrie Glenagra Wyreema Katandra Robyn Downs Anrod Downs Kynuna Conamore Glenelg Waterview Uanda Dingading Mount Edna Moreena Ballater Barenya Elabe Braeside Belfast Clio Blairmoor Narollah Tiree Koondi Mentone Coorabelle Maidavale Antrim Glenariff Answer Downs Arizona Venture Downs abandoned Jindaroo Banjoorah Fairview Wanora Downs Ingle Downs Argyle St Elmo Bethel Downs Richmond Downs Expressman Downs Spring Valley Warwombie West Leichhardt Corella Park Mindie Harrogate Silver Hills Compton Downs Mapperley Park Dryburgh Oban Valley Downs Revenue Downs Villa Dale Nonda West Molesworth Boree Park Saego Eddington Valwin Alderley Greenwood Lucerne Boremba Alston Vale Delbessie Chumvale Fisher Creek Balaclava Clifton Park Nonda Downs Majuba Wyangarie Toronto Park Killeen Oamaru Stewart Park Torver Valley Cooyal Leila Vale Garomna Malvern Park Torquay Boggleywallah Strathallen Koon Kool Winslade Bindooran Bindoora Innisfail Downs Rowena Kara Poseidon Downs Telemen Telemon New Glendower Blantyre Carjoan St Andrew Belgravia Rokeby Glentor Downs Longford Plains Bodell Wensley Chatfield Vernon Downs Mountain View Bundoran Maxwelton Allaru Canterbury Ormonde Rosevale Mount Beckford Wynberg Alexmere Riverdale Sylvania Strathglass Wattlevale Oorindi Park Wivenhoe Ennis Downs Wilburra Downs Marathon Coolibah Sussex Park Glenmoan Laurel Vale Roxmere Arrolla Eureka Minamere Plains The Strathelen Malvie Downs Kalboona Gunnerside Hughenden Station Longford Strathbyrne Olive Downs Rose Downs Glen Nevis Moselle Downs Nindi Carrum Yorkshire Downs Gairloch Dunluce Monavale Jardine View Penrice Proa Scottsburn Langdale Merriula Tweedsmuir Marathon South Nicoleche Waterloo Hut Ellington Park Levuka Downs Patroy Hilltop Marvada Renfrew Railview Barnsdale Ivellen Edith Downs Thornhill Cannonball Mount Develin Mortimer Kevin Downs Kamerooka Waterloo Plains Huddersfield Isabel Downs Beenfields Leslew Downs Lucindale Glenalvon Cannum Downs Mount Etna Mayfields Beenfield Maori Downs Rutchillo Clare Valley Killarney Elrose Hazelwood Afton Downs Woodbine Mount Guide Illalong Redcliff Launceston Oakley Lonsdale Ophir Downs Cairo Coolreagh Ardbrin Balcomo Tamworth Wilfred Downs Cheltenham Maronan Myuna Arjuna Brightlands Glenbede Helen Downs Arrara Lagaven Clareborough Terranburby Moonby Downs Tarbrax Wimmera Wolston Essex Downs Merlin Wogadoona Carnwath Curragilla Elba Delacourt Dalmuir Limbri Peronne Kulwin Breena Plains Winchester Downs Coleraine Bull Creek Quambetook Sarre Stirling Exmoor Weanbah Ashton Woura Park Moonamarra Star Downs Wyoming Abbotsford Malakoff Downs Zara Strathfield Eulolo Glenbervie Belford Bora Stamford Downs Eldorado Strathroy Glen Idol Ivy Downs Clarafield Dimora Cassilis Ewen Plains Hopewell Park Doddy Meads ruins Braemar Lammermoor Kooroora Elton Downs Barragunda Stanley Downs Yantebobbera Dronfield Redland Park Glenlyon Nottingham Downs Agate Downs Moroola Balnagowan Kingle Ventcher abandoned Cranford Farley Taltal Spreyton Vuna Maranie Caradon Dundee Bernborough Downs Cameron Downs Bogunda Colwell The Cottage Plainby Roscaven Percol Plains Moorooka Milgery Hamilton Downs Minerva Crendon Jimboola Strathfillan Corunna Bibil Caledonia Alni Lovelle Downs Camara Eskdale Robins Oondooroo Dahlia Hardington Marie Downs Toolebuc Leeson Erinagh Lucella Lerida Linda Downs Brackenburgh Daintree Nargon Marengo Carella Carraward Inverness Collingwood Balranald Bengall Mackunda Downs Goolma Penlan Downs Bromvil Owens Creek Winderere Marita Crewkerne Waverley Ludgate Hill Etna Prairie Vale Camberwarra Manuka Broadford Frensham Ascot Truro Tangorin Glenholme Akunam Woolfield Wirilla Brooklyn Elwell Congewoi Wongan Wybenia Cressy Cairnhope Rockwood Needlewood Trepell Coralton The Ranch Nuken Werna Belfield Gumbardo Canegrass Tyrone Emudilla Warilda Loyala Glenreigh Dagworth Strathbowen Lilford Escombe Burnside Knapdale abandoned Weeba Malboona Catumnal Bundella Claydon Bendemeer Wyora Talkara Cooinda Birricannia Farewell Bernfels Luckham Thordale ruins Enryb Downs Harwood Rossievale Dunrossie Elis Carandotta Cuckadoo Mount Campbell Ayrshire Downs Thornville Gue Lanifer Branga Downs Inveresk Cathedral Hill Cathedral Albrighton Lana Downs Inverdoone Adirel Downs Burslem Eyriewald Amelia Downs Tower Hill Burnham Orielton Digby Peaks Denbigh Downs Karoola Myrall Hexham Belmont Tarragona Womera Eastfield Weston Bonnie Downs Maroomba Culloden Thornton Gnalta Lilarea Colane Ingleside Stockholm Woolthorpe Leswalt Fairymead Verastan Caber Feidh Mayfair Apsley Wando Tremere Middleton Park abandoned Tragowel Maylands Bowen Downs Birdwood Downs Kalkadoon Kensington Bungoona Roxborough Downs Jarvisfield Brompton Ti Juana Waterford Vindex Culladarr Abrach Dover Cotswold Hills Lillianfels Kenya Suvla Boxworth Lorraine Mount Cornish Girrahween Buckabie Maybe Mogera Granville Norah Park Cairns Gunnadorah Mona Vale Grenfield Mount Landsborough Drumlion Cronulla Brookwood Lilleyvale Boorameel Scarsdale Ashra Downs Tulmur Carisbrooke Rankin Chiltern Hills Tranby Paralos Park Rosehearty Rosebery Downs Tucson Hypatia Clyde Glanagh Luthrie Green Hills Muyong Marmboo Wirryilka Mt Victoria Bardell Orange Downs Dahra Beaconsfield Moonya Elvo Strathfinella Tawarra Warrandaroo Wilton Kingsborough Lucknow Newlands Pollygammon Springdale Stockport Melrose Mc Master Kelly Creek Bude Weewondilla Scotstoun Whyrallah Richfield Downs Highbury Cazna Downs Hamilton Hotel Nareen House Colston Athlestane Westward Ho Nalemba Strathelbiss Granton Llewellyn Maranthona Thymania Warnambool Downs New Baratria Ambo Acacia Downs Aviemore Arranmore Tuaburra Cambeela Elmore Merino Downs Munduran Arundel Longway Hulton Lorna Downs Maneroo Currane Culburnie Norbert Park Tanamera Kateroy Sheds Nogo Saltern Creek Alroy Kateroy Bendigo Margot Abbotsleigh Kelso Eurolie Audreystone Newstead Angledool Elbank Mayfield Rio Allandale Avro Accord Garches Ashgrove Franklin Narcissus Hartree Darr River Downs Crossmore Tatong Highfields Yarraman Leebrook Glenample Badalia Macsland Cork Darriveen Westbury Lilydale Denton Merriwin Hereward Wirrilyerna Wantalanya Powella Montagu Downs Glen Kyree Tandara Talaheena Breedon Shadyside Evesham Camoola Park Mudgeacca Westwood Ho Talleyrand Glenaras Summer Hill Leichhardt Weona Weonaworri Strangford Unthank Manfred Yanburra Yandilla Dalmore Dillulla Illabunda Euston Penrith Moondarra The Rand Marchmont Corona Wingalong Shed Leichhardt Farms Colanya Yambacollie Auteuil Don Goomeda Goodberry Hills Rodney Downs Willoughby Darra Neenah Park Bexley Kia-Ora Springvale Pendine Hardway Downs Invercauld Bristol Jugiong Balmoral Strathdarr Raphoe Daunton Mildura Kapunda Leander Fairfield Padua Dundonald Byron Park Fairmount Bimbah Balonne Strathmore Glenferrie Avonslea Vergemont Parkdale Glendulloch Rosebank Griffdale Spoilbank Booloo Barmutha Combe Martin Elmsdale Eden Downs Cumberland Dunblane Wedna El Kantara Campsie Barsdale Avoca Marievale Tara Avondale Upshot Glendon Rosedale Ashwell Rotherfield Willowie Toobrac Gloucester Fernhirst Whitehill Clovelly Illawarra Rovam Spring Plains Iandra Devonshire Lyndon Benares Kilala Smithfield Oakhampton Loongana Bullens Cecil Park Evanston Rosabel Tonga The Patrick Tocal Westfield Montrose Gordonvale Logie Killara Park Bandon Grove Nerrena Navarre Pegasus Breadalbane Tulga Barrs Gully Lara Stroud Mount Arthur Weeumbah Valoak Bradninch Jubilee Park Clover Hills Withywine Roseneath Nimaloola Dandaraga Stormhill Royston The Glen Willowen Amor Downs Paulvue Interlaken Silverwood Wellshot Belmore Freemans Wantagong Bogewong Urambie Latrobe Westland Bellen Park Wynstay Gregory Home Creek Sunnyside Notus Downs Arlington Park Kendal Wynn Downs Somerset Portland Hickleton Boree Downs Honan Downs Coolagh Mellew Allo-Omber Westerton Yuruga Gaza Birkdale Mulgrave Mooney Valley Tarcombe Laidlaw Stratavon Greycroft Kappa-Ki Avington Evora Barnstaple Onoto Noonbah Lochern Ban Ban Portland Downs Mena Park Kaloola Janet Downs Wakefield Melton Ramsay Park Kurrah Beatrice Downs Greenswoods Tamar Dumrossil Bimerah Arrowfield Leitrum Isis Downs Waterloo Meroondah Downs Prairie Downs Tarves Valetta Boomaroo Gowan Downs Clarendon Depot Glen Barwen West End Avonleigh Alice Downs Ve Javis Moondah Park Flora Glen Ventry Oma Mons Springfield Evengy Coreen Russleigh Pandora Park Inkerman Ruthven Thornleigh Norwood Waroona Dunrobin Gidia Park Rutland Park Moorlands Five Mile Corrikie Taramaway Limden Juray Helenglen Hillview Park Wahroongan Yarawa Neleh Downs Selvister Yapunya Como Boothulla Bunginderry Nimboy Glenallen Ansgrove Strathmeadows Rivington Malvern Hills Athol Goon Goon Cecil Downs Blairgowrie Rivoli Downs Isla Downs Glen Afton Mariana Wooroolah Bilbah Downs Idalia Stud Springleigh Newhaven abandoned Sunbry Lumley Talundilly Grahgor Downs Smith Lagoon Pemberley Benalla Lilyveil Swan Vale Lowana Milton Park Bloomfield Trewalla Grey Mount Morundah Arno Diamond Downs Gundoo New Deer Emmet Shed Eastwood Needle Creek Albilbah Flemington Emmet Downs Terrick Terrick Stud Tarbarah Allambie Barcarolle Bellevue Greenlaw Glengyle Harden Mount Braidwood Maxvale New Haven Warringah Homebush Hombush Hayfield Navarra Prairie Terrick Terrick Carlow Idalia Glenvalley Merriman Glenlock Mount Marlow Highlands Koondoo Lorne Peak Bonnie Doon Merrigal Gowan Wandsworth Brides Creek Towart Moyen Sedan Collabara Cootabynia Alva Haughton Vale Ramula Retreat Rosehill Listowel Downs Cacoory ruins Lynbrydon Currareva Advance Ourdell Budgerygar Oakham Caranna Hammond Downs Glenmurken abandoned Thunda Bayswater Ingella Wakes Lagoon Bullecourt Old Roseberth ruins Baykool Clifton Regleigh Tenham Bronte Maruga Maroo Nungil Araluen Bulgroo Avon Villa Hartley Mount Morris Gundry Patricia Park Sherwood Park Bardo Currajong Arawee Bulls Gully Hoomooloo Park Norahville Billoola Paradise Park Wade Hill Yeppara Milroy Ravenscourt Ray Alaric Varna Yeppera Goombie Terrachie Shed and Yard Patrick Park Dillybroo Corona abandoned Dungiven Beltram Park abandoned Warrabin Earlstoun Plain Grove abandoned Nickavilla Lochabie Australia Queensland Barcaldine Camooweal Cloncurry Alice Springs Alpurrurulam Amoonguna Ampilatwatja Aramac Blackall Boulia Dajarra Hughenden Julia Creek Longreach Middleton Mount Isa Richmond Santa Teresa Tennant Creek Winton Engenala Finke Irrultja Jundah Ti-Tree Atitjere Orrtipa-Thurra Carandotta Outstation Birdsville Windorah Walgra Indulkana Iwantja Warwick Downs Outstation Urandangi Ali Curung Alcoota Aerodrome Ali Curung Aerodrome Alpurrurulam Airfield Namatjira Camp Simpson Desert Todd River Downs Station Lake Nash Police Station Agamba Yard Mcdouall Ranges 1 Mile Waterhole 10 Mile 10 Mile Bore 10 Mile Creek 10 Mile Dam 12 Mile Bore 12 Mile Dam 12 Mile Waterhole 12 Mile Yard 13 Mile Bore 14 Mile Bore 1440 Bore 15 Mile Bore 16 Mile Bore 16 Mile Camp 16 Mile Dam 16 Mile Yard 16 Paddock Dam 18 Mile Waterhole 2 Mile Bore 2 Mile Well 22 Mile Bore 22 Mile Waterhole 25 Mile Dam 26 Mile Waterhole 3 Bores 3 Bores Medical Centre 3 Mile Bore 3 Mile Dam 4 Mile Bore 4 Mile Dam 4 Mile Paddock 4 Mile Waterhole 47 Bell Bore 5 Mile Bore 5 Mile Dam 5 Mile Gap 5 Mile Well 6 Mile Holding Yard 6 Mile Paddock 6 Mile Waterhole 6 Mile Yard 6a Bore 7 Mile Bore 7 Mile Dam 720 Bore 8 Mile Bore 8 Mile Dam 8 Mile Paddock 8 Mile Waterhole 8 Mile Well 8 Mile Yard 9 Mile Bore 9 Mile Dam 9 Mile Yard A 368 A 437 A 438 A 441 A 445 A 446 A 447 A 448 A 449 A 450 A 451 A 452 A 453 A 454 A 455 A 456 A 459 Abadabada Bore Abadabada Creek Absolum Bore Acacia Bore Acacia Hill School Acacia Well Adam Range Adams Tank Adder Dam Adelaide Bore Adelaide House Museum Adla Hill Adnera Bore Adnera Creek Adnera Gap Adnera Swamp Adnera Waterhole Aerodrome Dam Aerodrome Yard Agamba Bore & Yard Agrip Bore Aileron Aileron Airstrip Aileron Dam Aileron Racecourse Air Track Bore Akadoonga Creek Akarnenehe Well Akngwertnarre Aladdins Waterhole Alanajeer Bore Alatyeye Alawalla Bore Albarta Bore Albarta Creek Albarta Dam Alcoora Creek Alcoora Spring Alcoota Alcoota School Aldardrama Paddock Alec Bore Aleeltara Peak Alekarenge Pre School Alekarenge School Alexander Alexandria Alexandria Airstrip Alexandria Bore Algamba Creek Algoolgoora Swamp Ali Curung Health Centre Ali Curung Police Station Alice Creek Alice Springs Airport Alice Springs Ambulance Station Alice Springs Community College Alice Springs Desert Park Alice Springs Fire Station Alice Springs General Cemetery Alice Springs Golf Course Alice Springs Health Centre Alice Springs High School Alice Springs Hospital Alice Springs Pistol Club Alice Springs Police Station Alice Springs Post Office Alice Springs Public Library Alice Springs Railway Station Alice Springs RSL Military Museum Alice Springs School of the Air Alice Springs Telegraph Station Alice Springs Telegraph Station Historical Reserve Alice Well Alinjabon Rockhole Alkara Creek Alkea Waterhole Alkuptija Alladin Dam Allambarinja Range Allambi Allambi Airfield Allans Bore Allen Dam Alliriqua Waterhole Allora Bore Allua Well Allungra Creek Allungra Waterhole Aloa Soak Aloolya Bore Alparra Police Station Alpurrurulam Health Centre Alpurrurulam Police Station Alpurrurulam School Alroy Downs Alroy Downs Airfield Altalweynimma Waterhole Alua Dam Alyuen Amandas Bore Amarata Range Amarata Waterhole Ambalindum Ambulbinya Peak Amelia Creek Amengernterneah Ammaroo Amonga Dam Amoonguna Health Centre Amoonguna School Ampilatwatja Airfield Ampilatwatja School Ampire Waterhole Anacoora Bore Anacoora Hill Anagoodya Waterhole Anamarra Creek Anatye Andado Andado Airfield Andado Swamp Andagera Bore Andagera Creek Anderson Creek Andersons Saddle Angathita Well Angatyepe Angeera Bore Angkarla Hill Angkerle Arrenge A Angkerle Arrenge B Angula Angus Bore Anira Creek Anira Dam Ankerrapw Ankweleyelengkwe Anmatjere Anna Reservoir Annerre Annie Loch Rockhole Anningie Creek Annitowa Annitowa Airfield Annitowa Waterhole Anniversary Bore Annulica Bore Antere Anthelk-Ewlpaye Anthepe Antiarra Waterhole Anuma Creek Anuri Waterhole Anzac Hill Anzac Hill High School Anzac Hill Park Anzac Oval Aper-Alwerrknge Applepad Dam Aputula Health Centre Arabulja Waterhole Aralka Bore Araluen Arts Centre Araluen Christian School Aranju Waterhole Aranlabuka Swamp Aranlinga Bore Arapunga Creek Arapunya Arapunya Airfield Arapunya Spring Arawerr Arcadia Bore Archies Bore Arden Soak Bore Aremra Creek Aremra Waterhole Argadargada Argadargada Airstrip Argadargada Bore Argadargada Bore Landing Ground Argadargada Waterhole Arganara Bore Arganara Creek Argo Arimala Bore Arlpa Waterhole Arlparra Arlparra Police Station Arltunga Bore Arltunga Historical Reserve Army Hole Arno Peak Arno Peak Bore Aroota Bore Arowie Waterhole Arrawajin Arrillhjere Arrinthrunga Creek Artekerr Artekerre Arthur Creek Arumbera Arunta Rockhole Aruta Dam Atartinga Atcherie Creek Atetherre Waterhole Atheley Atherita Bore Athinna Creek Athinna Dam Atitjere Health Centre Atlalweynimma Waterhole Atnarara Atnarpa Atnarpa Creek Atnarpa Range Atnarta Bore Atnarta Creek Atnarta Dam Atneequa Bore Atneequa Creek Atneequa Spring Atneltyey Atniempa Waterhole Atnwengerrpe Atoota Dam Atoothenna Bore Atukera Bore Atula Atula Airfield Atula Bore Atula Creek Aturga Creek Aturga Wells Austral Downs Austral Downs Airfield Austral Pillar Avon Bore Avon Creek Avon Downs Avon Downs Airstrip Avon Downs Police Station Ayliffe Swamp Yard Ayuda Bore B M R Bore Bacardi Bore Bacon Range Baikal Baikal Airfield Baker Creek Bald Hill Bald Hill Dam Bald Hill Dams Baldy Waterhole Bank Dam Bank Hole Waterhole Barcoo Creek Bardia Bore Barker Creek Barkly Airfield Barkly Homestead Roadhouse Barnett Bore Barrow Creek Barrow Creek Airfield Barrow Creek Cemetery Barrow Creek Telegraph Station Barrow Creek Wayside Inn Barry Caves Barry Plain Bartlett Pinnacle Barwidgee Creek Bastard Bore Bathurst Bore No 1 Bathurst Bore No 2 Bathurst Tank No 4 Battery Block Battery Hill Battery Hill Mining Centre Battery Waterhole Battle Creek Bauhinia Ridge Baxters Muddle Dam Baxters Well Baystone Bore Beagles Yard Bean Tree Waterhole Beantree Bore Beantree Dam Beaver Dam Beddome Range Beef Hole Beefwood Waterhole Beenleigh Bore Beenleigh Yard Beer St Bore Beetwood Bore Beetwood Yard Bell Waterhole Belyabba Waterhole Belyabba Yard Ben Walkington Dam Bendy Bore Benjies Bore Benstead Bore Big Hole Paddock Big Ranken Waterhole Bilbilba Waterhole Bill Dam Billies Bore Bills Dam Billuicungarri Native Well Billy Goat Hill Birch Hill Birdcage Waterhole Birthday Bore Bishop Bore Bishop Creek Bishop Dam Bismarch Waterhole Bitter Bore Bitter Springs Bitter Springs Creek Bitumen Bore Bitumen Waterhole Black Angel Black Angel Mine Black Angle Block Black Cone Black Hill Bore Black Hill Dam Black Hill Range Black Point Black Tank Bore Blackbird Bore Blackfellow Creek Blackfellow Hole Blackfellows Bones Bore Blackhill Dam Blackmail Bore Blackstump Dam Blacktank Bore Blakeway Blatherskite Park Blenheim Hill Bloodwood Ennugan Creek Bloodwood Bore Bloodwood Creek Bloodwood Dam Blue Bush Creek Bluebush Bore Bluebush Creek Bluebush Dam Bluebush Swamp Blusundi Bore Blusundi Waterhole Boat Hill Boen Hill Boggy Flat Dam Boggy Hole Bore Bokhara Boko Bore Bond Bond Dam Bond Springs Bond Springs Landing Ground Bonney Well Bonney Bore Bonney Creek Bonya Bore Bonya Creek Bonya Creek Bore Bonya Hill Bonya School Boocarriwee Waterhole Boolanboo Corner Boomerang Bore Boomerang Creek Boomerang No 4 Bore Boomerang Waterhole Boon Hill Boorodo Waterhole Boots Dam Boowomboo Waterhole Bore Creek Bore No 2 Bore No 3 Borodo Creek Boswell Bore Bottom 18 Paddock Bottom Bore Bottom Dam Bottom Yard Boulder Dam Boundary Bore Boundary Dam Boundary Hill Boundary Hole Boundary Waterhole Box Hole Bore Box Hole Dam Boxhole Meteorite Crater Boxwood Dam Bradshaw Pre School Bradshaw Primary School Braggs Paddock Brahma Bore Braitling Braitling Primary School Braitling Well Breaden Dam Breakfast Creek Brett Creek Brewer Plain Brigadier Hill Briggs Hill Brinkley Bluff Briscoe Pass Briscoe Tent Hill Britannia Waterhole Broken Bank Dam Bronco Bore Browns Yards Brumbreu Waterhole Brumby Bore Brumby Dam Brumby Hill Bore Brumby Hill Dam Brumby Hole Yard Brumby Springs Brumby Waterhole Bubbleaner Waterhole Buchanan Bore Buchanan Creek Buchanan Dam Bucket Waterhole Buckley River Budgerigar Dam Buffalo Hole Dam Buggy Camp Bore Buggy Camp Waterhole Bulgera Waterhole Bulimba Bore Bulinburra Knobs Bull Creek Bore Bull Creek Dam Bull Soak Dam Bull Waterhole Bulldust Bore Bullhole Bore Bullhole Creek Bullhole Dam Bullock Creek Bullock Hole Yard Bullock Paddock Bullock Waterhole Bullocky Bore Bullocky Dam Bulltrap Bore Bulltrap Yard Bundey Dam Bundey River Bundooma Burns Well Burnt Well Bore Burrabelly Waterhole Burramurra Burt Bluff Burt Creek Burt Dam Burt Plain Burton Park Burudu Bushy Park Bushy Park Dam Butchers Waterhole Buttercup Dam Button Bore Bybby Creek Cabbage Gum Bore Cabbage Gum Bore No 10 Cabbage Gum Bore No 2 Cabbage Gum Bore No 9 Cabbage Well Cacia Bore Cadney Bore Cadney Creek Cairn O T Cairns Makinson Bore Calamity Bore Cam Tank Camel Camp Camel Creek Camel Dam Camel Flat Bore Camel Soak Bore Camerons Dam Campbell Park Cannagootchoo Rockholes Canteen Bore Canteen Creek Canteen Creek Health Centre Canteen Creek School Canteen Waterhole Canulgerra Rockhole Canyon Bore Cappocks Waterhole Carbeen Bore Carbine Bore Carbine Yard Carlton Dam Carmencita Bore Caroline Creek Casey Bore Castle Rock Casuarina Bore Casuarina Dam Casuarina Swamp Cattle Creek Cattle Creek Paddock Cattlewater Pass Cavenagh Range Cement Dam Centenary Bore Centenary Dam Centenary Yard Central Australian Aviation Museum Central Government Battery Central Mount Central Mount Stuart Central Mount Stuart Historical Reserve Central Mount Sturt Centralian Senior College Centre Bore Centre Creek Chabalowe Bore Chabbana Waterholes Chalmers Dam Chalmers Park Chaluba Bore Chambers Hole Dam Chambers Pillar Chamber’s Pillar Historical Reserve Champion Creek Chandlers Range Channingum Creek Charcoal Bore Charles Darwin University Alice Springs Charles River Charley Springs Dam Charlotte Bore Charlotte Dam Charlotte Range Charlotte Waters Charlotte Waters Telegraph Station Cheeky Swamp Bore Chelcheta Creek Chelcheta Waterhole Cherry Creek Chianina Chinaman Creek Chipoonga Rockhole Chiripee Dam Choritja Hill Christmas Bore Christmas Creek Christmas Dam Christmas Dams Christmas Well Christmas Yards Christopher Pinnacle Ciccone Cigarette Hole Creek Cigarette Waterhole Cindy Bore Claraville Claude Bore Claypan Bore Claypan Dam Cleary Creek Cleary Creek Yard Clements Well Cliff Bore Clothes Line Bore Clough Bore Clough Dam Clough Range Cloughs Dam Clyde Creek Cockatoo Bore Cockatoo Waterhole Cockatoo Yard Cockroach Bore Cockroach Creek Cockroach Waterhole Cockroach Yard Coggan Bore Coglin Bore Coglin Creek Col Creek Coles Bore Coles Dam Coles Hill Colins Choice Bore Colleen Dam Colson Pinnacle Colters Camp Bore Colyer Creek Condy Bore Confusion Dam Conglomerate Bore Conglomerate Creek Conglomerate Waterhole Conical Hill Connellan Connor Well Connor Well Bore Coodna Waterhole Coolibah Bore Coolibah Dam Coolibah Waterhole Coolibar Bore Cooloola Well Copia Bore Coppock Bore Corella Bore Corella Creek Corkwood Bore Corkwood Well Coron Bore Corroboree Rock Corroboree Rock Conservation Reserve Costello Cotton Bush Creek Cottonbush Bore Cottonbush Dam Coulter Waterhole Coulthards Gap Waterhole Cox Bore Cox Creek Craigie Dam Cravens Peak Crawford Bore Crawford Range Creek Paddock Crocker Hill Crooked Hole Creek Crossing Bore Crossroads Bore Crown Crossing Crown Point Crows Nest Bore Crushing Plant Dam Cuckoo Waterhole Cullen Lookout Cultivation Bore Cunninghams Gorge Curtis Pound Cyclops Bore Cym Bore D D Smith Park Dads Dam Dakota Bore Dakota Hill Dalmore Dam Dalmore Downs Dalmore No 16 Bore Dalmore No 8 Bore Dalmore No 9 Bore Dam 15 Dam C Dam D Dam F Dam G Dam No 1 Dam Walls Danny Whites Yard Dariel Gate Davenport Davenport Mine Davenport Range Davids Bore Davidson Park Davis Bore Davis Well Dawkins Well Daylight Creek Days Waterhole Dead Bird Dam Dead Dog Waterhole Dead Horse Dam Dead Horse Soak Dead Horse Waterhole Dead Mans Bore Deception Waterhole Deep Bore Deep Well Deep Well Bore Deep Well North Sr Bore Deep Well Range Delmore Downs Delny Demon Hill Paddock Dempseys Denara Bore Depot Hill Depot Sandhills Derry Downs Desert Bore Desert Creek Desert Hill Desert Oaks Resort Desert Plain Bore Desert Plain Bore Landing Ground Desert Springs Devil’s Marbles Conservation Reserve Devitt Hill Dewars Tank Diamond Drill Hole Bore Dick Well Dick Well Bore Dingley Bore Dingo Bore Dingo Creek Dingo Dam Dingo Hole Dingo Hole Yard Dingo No 1 Gas Well Dingo No 2 Gas Well Dingo Tank Dinkum Dinner Camp Bore Dinner Camp Dam Dinner Camp Waterhole Dinner Creek Dip Waterhole Divide Bore Diviner Bore Dixon Bore Dixon Creek Djilbari Hills Dneiper Docs Dam Donkey Creek Dons Dam Dookamunda Waterhole Double Dam Double Garden Waterhole Driver Drought Bore Drought Relief Bore Dry Well Yard Dry Yard Dam Dub Bore Duck Bore Duck Creek Duck Swamp Yard Duck Waterhole Dud Bore Duffield Duffield Creek Duffield Dam Dulcie Range Dulcie Range National Park Duncan Dam Eaglenest Bore East Bore East Dam East Side Easter Bore Eastern Bore Eastern Chief Bore Eastern Chief Creek Eblana Creek Echidna Retreat Eclipse Bore Edgar Springs Edinburgh Creek Edmirringee Rockhole Edwards Creek Eebarr Paddock Eelinja Bore Eight Mile Waterhole Eight Mile Yard Eighty Four Bore Eileen Hill El Dorado Elbow Waterhole Elbreda Dam Elbulinger Bore Elco Dam Elcoota Creek Elder Creek Elditta Waterhole Eldorado Bore Eldorado Park Elitjia Elkedra Elkedra Airfield Elkedra Pound Elkedra River Elkera No 1 Bore Elkera No 2 Bore Ellen Bore Elmouraba Well Elua Bore Elua Range Embulka Waterhole Emily Emily And Jessie Gaps Nature Park Emily Creek Emily Gap Emily Plain Emma Bore Emu Bore Emu Creek Emu Hole Dam Enbra Hills Engawala Engawala Health Centre Engoordina Ennugan Creek Entire Bore Entire Creek Entire One Tank Entire Point Epenarra Epenarra Health Centre Epenarra School Epsom Bore Eremophila Point Erics Bore Erics Dam Erldunda Erldunda Airstrip Erlpunda Waterhole Eronthonnga Waterholes Errolola Rockhole Esther Ettenia Bore Ettenia Hills Eucoutra Waterhole Eurobra Eurobra Creek Eurobra Rockhole Eurolley Bore Eurowie Creek Everard Scrub Everglade Bore Ewaninga Ewaninga Rock Carvings Conservation Reserve Ewarts Springs Ewyenper-Atwatye Excavation Dam Exoil Bore Expectation Bore Exploration Bore Explorer 46 Fairview Ridge Fasal Deens Battery Fat Bullock Bore Fat Bullock Waterhole Fell Bore Felt Hat Bore Felt Hat Peak Fenn Gap Fenn Gap West Fergusson Range Field River Fifteen Mile Creek Fifteen Mile Dam Fig Tree Bore Fight Hole Trap Finke Aerodrome Finke Police Station Finke Railway Bore Finke River Finke School Finlayson Park First Gap First Up Bore Fish Hole Waterhole Fitz Bore Five Mile Creek Flagon Flat Top Waterhole Fletcher Hill Flint Spring Flood Out Bore Floodout Dam Floral Dam Florence Creek Florence Gap Flynn Flynn Park Fork Creek Bore Fork Yard Forrest Park Forster Range Fosters Bore Four Mile Bore Four Mile Waterhole Four Mile Well Four Post Waterhole Fox Creek Fox Dam Foxalls Well Frances Creek Frances Smith Memorial Park Frances Well Francis Dam Frank Mcellister Community Park Frazer Creek Frazer Hill Fred McKay Museum Frew River Frog Bore Froud Creek Frying Pan Waterhole G 1 Bore G 11 Bore G 12 Bore G 13 Bore G 14 Bore G 16 Bore G 17 Bore G 18 Bore G 19 Bore G 2 Bore G 20 Bore G 21 Bore G 23 Bore G 24 Bore G 25 Bore G 26 Bore G 27 Bore G 28 Bore G 29 Bore G 3 Bore G 30 Bore G 32 Bore G 4 Bore G 41 Bore G 5 Bore G 9 Bore G1 Bore G2 Bore Ganley Bore Gap Bore Gastralobium Creek Gastro Bore Gaylad Creek Gaylad Dam Gecko Mine Gem Tree Caravan Park George Creek George Yards Georges Dam Georges Muddle Dam Georgina Georgina Airstrip Georgina Downs Georgina Gap Georgina Range Georgina River Geosurveys Hill Gettens Well Ghan Ghan Legends Museum Ghost Gum Bore Ghost Gum Rise Ghost Well Gibbaroo Waterhole Gibeanie Bore Gibson Creek Gidgea Hole Dam Gidyea Bore Gidyea Bore Landing Ground Gidyea Creek Gidyea Dam Gidyea Yard Gilbert Bore Gilbert Creek Gilbert Swamp Gilbert Well Giles Creek Giles Gap Dam Giles Waterhole Gilidji Hill Gill Pass Gillen Gillen Creek Gillen Pre School Gillen Primary School Gillens Bore Gimlet Dam Ginger Hole Bore Gingers Waterhole Gintys Dam Glen Maggie Gloaming Dam Goat Camp Creek Goat Camp Dam Goatyard Bore Goatyard Dam Gonya Mine Good Friday Dam Goodiar Creek Gooding Bore Goofy Bore Goonooma Creek Goose Waterhole Gordon Creek Or Woodroffe River Gorey Bore Gorrey Bore Gorries Bore Gosse Bore Yard Gosse River Government Battery Government Bore Goyder Bore Goyder Creek Goyder Pillars Granite Bore Granite Creek Granite Yard Grant Bluff Grassy Bore Grassy Paddock Grave Hole Creek Grays Bluff Great Davenport Mine Great Western Greentree Dam Greenwood Well Gregory Bore Gregory River Grey Park Gulunguru Gum Ridge Gum Tree Creek Gumhole Creek Gumtree Bore Gumtree Dam Gumtree Hills Gypsum Bore Gypsum Creek Gypsum Dam H 198 Hale Hale Plain Hale River Haley Bore Halfway Bore Halfway Camp Halfway dam Halfway Dam Halfway Yard Halstead Creek Hamburger Dam Hamilton Bore Hamilton Creek Hangover Bore Hanlon Creek Hann Range Hanson Bluff Hanson Bore Hanson River Hanson Well Hanson Yard Happy Creek Happy Creek Waterhole Harding Spring Well Harding Springs Creek Harold Lloyd Dam Harper Springs Well Harry Bore Harry Creek Harry Dam Harrys Dam Harrys Yard Hart Hartley Street School Harts Camp Waterhole Harts Range Harts Range Aerodrome Harts Range Police Station Harts Range School Hasting Bore Hatches Creek Hatches Waterhole Haunted Tree Bore Hawks Nest Bore Hawksnest Bore Hay River Hayes Hayes Springs Hayes Well Head Of The Taylor Waterhole Heartbreak Bore Heartbreak Yard Heavitree Gap Heavitree Gap Police Station Heifer Dam Heifer Waterhole Hells Gate Bore Henbury Henbury Aerodrome Henbury Claypan Dam Henbury Meteorite Conservation Park Henbury Meteorite Craters Herbert River Hickey Dam Hidden Dam Hideaway Dam High Bluff Highway Bore Highway Dam Hijinks Bore Hill Of Leaders Hillside Bore Hingstons Place Hogan Bore Holding Yard Home of Bullion Home Of Bullion Dam Homestead Bores 1 & 2 Homestead Dam Homestead Rise Honeymoon Bore Honeymoon Dam Honeymoon Gap Hoppys Bore Hoppy’s Camp Horse Camp Waterhole Horse Creek Horse Paddock Bore Horse Paddock Dam Horse Paddock Well Horse Plain Bore Horse Waterhole Horseshoe Bend Hubbard Hill Huckitta Huckitta Bore Huckitta Creek Hugh Hugh Gorge Hugh River Hugh River Trucking Yards Hughes Bore Hurst Creek Ida Stanley Pre School Idracowra Idracowra Aerodrome Ilbumric Bore Ileparratye Illeuwurru Illgulla Waterhole Illjerica Bore Illogwa Bore Illogwa Creek Illoquara Waterhole Illungnarra Waterhole Ilnx Bore Ilparpa Ilparpa Swamp Ilparpa Swamp Wildlife Protected Area Ilperle Ilperle-Tyathe Ilpiye-Ilpiye Ilyiperenye Imangara Imborditure Creek Imbordjudu Creek Impadna Impadna Dam Impadna Landing Ground Imperrenth Inarlenge Inbina Atwatye Indaringinya Indeear Bore Indemina Bore Independence Bore Indera Bore Indera Dam Indiana Indiatna Well Indildra Claypan Indinda Swamp Indinda Well Inglula Hills Ingualbinguan Waterhole Ingwallumum Gap Injaridan Rockhole Injerrabonna Waterhole Inkamulla Creek Inkamulla Well Inkangarti Gorge Inkawenyerre Inkwelaye Intalpa Dam Intalpa Lake Interial Dam Irklancha Atwacha Irlpme Ironwood Bore Ironwood Creek Ironwood Dam Irrerlirre Irriltyere A Irriltyere B Irrmarne Itchy Koo Park Iteyepintye Itperlyenge Itwiyethwenge Ivanhoe Mine Ivy Dam Iwupataka Iylentye Jack Gray Plain Jackawarra Creek Jackawarra Dam Jacks Dam Jamaica Bore James Orr Overpass James Range Bore James River Jarra Jarra Jarrah Jarrah Range Jasper Bore Jasper Well Jay Creek Jemelke Jenkins Bluff Jennings Gorges Jerries Bore Jervois Jervois Dam Jervois Mine Jervois Range Jessie Creek Jessie Dam Jessie Gap Jim Lewis Waterhole Jim Mcconville Park Jim Well Jimarrow Bore Jimmy Creek Jimmys Dam Jinka Jinka Springs Jinker Bore Jinker Creek Jocks Waterhole John Blakeman Bridge John Flynn Historical Reserve John Flynn Memorial John Flynns Grave John Flynn’s Grave Historic Reserve John Hayes Rockhole John Holland Bore Johns Range Johns Well Johnson Bore Johnson Waterhole Johnsons Waterhole Johnston Johnstone Paddock Johnstone Range Joker Flat Dam Jones Well Joppita Bore Jubilee Julia Basin Rockhole Julie Dam Junction Bore Junction Dam Junction Hole Junction Waterhole Junction Well Junkaji Juno Mine Juppungka Rockhole Kaboolka Dam Kaidwalla Waterhole Kalamurta Creek Kalamurta Dam Kalamurta Hill Kalinjarri Kalpitapta Kamikaze Dam Kanakujjurrra Rockholes Kanandra Bore Kanandra Dam Kanandra Gap Yard Kangaroo Bore Kangaroo Dam Kangaroo Rockhole Kangaroo Well Kargaru Karinga Creek Karlu Karlu / Devils Marbles Karnte Kartijirarrakanya Claypan Kathleen Park Katoura Creek Kay Bore Kay Creek Kaysers Group Keepera Ridges Kekwick Ponds Kelly Creek Bore Kelly Well Kelly Well No 1 Kelly Well No 10 Kelly Well No 11 Kelly Well No 12 Kelly Well No 13 Kelly Well No 14 Kelly Well No 15 Kelly Well No 2 Kelly Well No 4 Kelly Well No 5 Kelly Well No 6 Kelly Well No 7 Kelly Well No 8 Kelly Well No 9 Kelly West Kempeana Park Ken Soak Kerosene Camp Creek Kerosene Well Kerramun Lagoon Kerringnew Swamp Key Creek Kilgour Paddock Kingarda Waterhole Kings Waterhole Kinkeyburta Waterhole Kiora Dam Kittsiquana Yard Kong Bore Kooldunda Well Kootaminjella Creek Kooyong Well Kraegans Creek Kraegens Grave Krichauff Creek Kudinga Creek Kulgera Kulgera Airstrip Kulgera Dam Kulgera Police Station Kulgera Rail Head Kunayungku Kunjarra Kunoth Bore Kunoth Knob Kunoth Park Kuraljan Bore Kurinelli Kuripindi Bore Kurntapurra Kurrajong Kurrajong Bore Kurraya Kurundi Kurundi Branch Creek Kurundi Creek Kwale Kwale L W L Bore Lady Bird Bore Lake Caroline Lake Mary Ann Lake Nash Lake Nash Waterhole Lalgra Yard Lambert Centre Landerandera Waterhole Lane Dam Langford Creek Langra Well Larapinta Larapinta Pre School Larapinta Primary School Larapinta Valley Large Creek Last Hope Bore Laughton Lagoon Dam Laura Creek Laura Dam Laura Yard Lawrence Gorge Leaky Bore Ledan Peak Left Hand Branch Herbert River Lenney Waterhole Lennie Creek Letica Paddock Lewis Gilbert Park Libby Waterhole Lightning Swamp Dam Lignum Dam Lignum Hole Dam Likkaparta Lilla Creek Lillie Waterhole Lily Bore Lily Dam Lily Flat Bore Lily Hole Bore Lily Waterhole Limbla Limbla Dam Limbla Spring Limejuice Bore Limestone Bore Limestone Creek Limestone Dam Little Ampire Well Little Bundey Creek Little Dam Little Edinburgh Creek Little Frazer Creek Little Kalamurta Creek Little Well Living Waters Lutheran School Lizzie Bore Lizzie Creek Lizzie Dam Lloyd Loafers Dam Log Cabin Dam Log Hole Creek Lone Star Hill Long Hole Bore Long Pound Long Waterhole Lookout Dam Lookout Hill Lorne Creek Lorne Creek Yard Lorne Waterhole Loves Bore Loves Creek Loves Hole Creek Low Rock Low Rock Bore Ltyentye Apurte Community Education Centre Ltyentye Apurte Community Library Ltyentye Apurte Health Centre Lucky Bore Lucky Dam Lucy Creek Lulu Waterhole Lurapulla Waterhole Lyndock Bore Mac Clark Acacia Peuce Convservation Reserve Macdonald Downs Macdonnell Siding Macmillians Creek Maddens Well Maddison Bore Magellan Bore Magnificence Bore Main Camp Main Camp Waterhole Main Hole Maldney Hill Mallee Bore Maloney Bore Maloney Creek Malvina Creek Manga Manda Waterhole Mango Dam Maningidjalki Waterhole Manners Creek Mapata Creek Maperte Mappata Waterhole Marble Creek Marbles Bore Marchant Spring Marine Bore Marion Springs Mark Dam Markies Dam Marks Dam Marla Marla Marla Marla Kantitji Marlgara Range Marputa Dam Marqua Marqua Creek Mars Bore Mars Yard Marshall Bluff Marshall Bore Marshall River Martha Creek Martingale Dam Mary Ann Bore Mary Anne Dam Mary Bore Maryvale Maryvale Hills Matrice Bore Maud Creek Mawurla Hill Max Bore Mayfield Bore Mayfield Swamp Maynard Park Maynards Bore Mc Crae Bore Mc Culloch Camp Paddock Mc Culloch Camp Waterhole Mc Cullock Creek Mc Dills Bore Mc Dills No1 Bore Mc Dills Well Mc Grath Creek Mc Grath Flat Dam Mc Guinness Bore Mc Intyre Bore Mc Kay Creek Mc Laren Creek Mc Leish Yard Mc Rob Bore Mcclures Gap Mcclures Springs McCoy Park McDouall Range Mcguinnes Bore McLaren Creek McMahon Bores Meerie Waterhole Meeta Bore Megalong Bore Megalong Dam Melon Waterhole Mendip Hill Mereenie Bore Merino Well And Bore Merle Tank Mexican Dam Meyers Hill Mia Mia Creek Mick Soak Mickey Mouse Dam Middle Blue Bush Creek Middle Bore Middle Bores Middle Branch Herbert River Middle Camp Dam Middle Dam Middle Well Midnight Creek Miers Dam Mikado Creek Mikado Dam Mikado Paddock Mill Ridge Millers Workings Millionaires Well Milton Waterhole Mimosa Bore Mine Bore Mines Bore Minga Bore Minga Dam Minnies Creek Mirranponga Pongunna Lake Mirror Finish Dam Mistake Bore Mistake Creek Mitchell Dam Mitchells Bore Mithaka Waterhole Miyikampi Mollie Bluff Moly Hill Mine Mona Bore Mongulina Creek Mongulina Well Monkey Point Bore Monkey Point Waterhole Monument Hill Moolta Hills Moonlight Bore Moonlight Gap Dam Moonlight Rock Hole Moonlight Rockhole Fossicking Area Moonta Creek Moores Muddle Dam Mordor Pound Morgan Creek Morgans Bore Morginie Waterhole Morley Bore Morleys Swamp Dam Morrie Hocking EDM Baseline Mosquito Bore Mosquito Creek Mostert Hole Dam Mothers Dam Mount Alone Mount Alooarjara Mount Aralka Mount Argo Mine Mount Baldwin Mount Barrington Mount Barrow Mount Beck Mount Beddome Mount Benstead Mount Benstead Creek Mount Bird Mount Blatherskite Mount Bleechmore Mount Boothby Mount Brady Mount Brassey Mount Brown Mount Browne Mount Bruna Mount Brunonia Mount Burrell Mount Byrne Mount Cairns Mount Capitor Bore Mount Casuarina Mount Cavenagh Mount Cecil Mount Cecil Bore Mount Chapman Mount Charlotte Mount Chisholm Mount Cleland Mount Coghlan Mount Conway Mount Cornish Bore Mount Daer Mount Daniel Mount Day Mount Dixon Mount Dobbie Mount Duff Mount Eaglebeak Mount Emma Mount Engoordina Mount Ertwa Mount Esther Mount Esther Dam Mount Esther Well & Bore Mount Etingimbra Mount Everard Mount Ewart Mount Ewing Mount Falconer Mount Figg Mount Fisher Mount Forstor Mount Gardner Mount George Mount Gillen Mount Glaisher Mount Gloaming Mount Gordon Mount Gordon North Mount Grevillea Mount Grundy Mount Guenevere Mount Gwynne Mount Hakea Mount Harper Mount Hitchins Mount Hogarth Mount Hopetoun Mount Humphries Mount Ida Mount Isabel Mount Johns Mount Johnston Mount Johnston Dam Mount Judith Mount Judith Bore Mount Karinga Mount Kathleen Mount Kingston Mount Kingston Dam No1 Mount Knuckey Mount Kossy Dam Mount Lamb Mount Laughlen Mount Lionel Mount Lloyd Mount Long Mount Lucy Mount Mabel Mount Madigan Mount Magarey Mount Mann Mount Margaret Mount Mary Mount Mary Bore Mount Mascotte Mount Maybel Mount McGowan Mount Michael Mount Milton Mount Morphett Mount Muriel Mount Musgrave Mount Nancy Mount Nelson Mount Obstruction Mount Octy Mount Ooraminna Mount Palmer Mount Peachy Mount Peachy Bore Mount Peake Creek Mount Peake Creek Bore Mount Peebles Mount Pellinore Mount Peterswald Mount Pfitzner Mount Playford Mount Polhill Mount Powell Mount Pozieres Mount Rawlins Mount Reinecke Mount Reynolds Mount Riddoch Mount Riddoch Creek Mount Riddock Mount Rodinga Mount Ruby Mount Ruby Dam Mount Ruby Spring Mount Rugged Mount Rumbalara Mount Russell Mount Sainthill Mount Samuel Mount Sandy Mount Santo Mount Sir Charles Mount Skinner Mount Smith Mount Solitaire Mount Solitary Mount Squire Mount Squire Dam Mount Squire Siding Mount Stirling Mount Stott Mount Strangways Mount Strawbridge Mount Strzelecki Mount Sunday Bore Mount Sunday Range Mount Swan Mount Thring Mount Tietkens Mount Topps Mount Townshend Mount Trioda Mount Turner Mount Twellar Mount Ultim Mount Undoolya Mount Watt Mount Wilyunpa Mount Winnecke Mount Woodcock Mount Wooldridge Mount Yambah Mountain Dam Mountain Waterhole Moyle Dam Mpwetyerre Mt Burrell Bore Mt Eaglebeak Mt Everard H F Radio Mt Riddock Landing Ground Mt Sunday Dam Mud Hole Creek Mud Hole Yard Mud Hut Bore Mud Tank Mud Tank Bore Mud Tank Dam Mudgeegoolla Creek Mudgeegoolla Waterhole Mueller Bore Mueller Creek Mueller Dam Mulga Bore Mulga Claypan Mulga Creek Mulga Dam Mulga Hole Bore Mulga Point Bore Mulga Waterhole Mullengerry Bore Muller Bore Muller Flat Dam Mulurudju Waterhole Mumbilla Waterhole Munadgee Munadgee Creek Mungalawurru Mungkarta Mungra Bore Munji-Marla Murchison Range Muriel Creek Murray Bore Murray Creek Murray Creek Dam Murray Downs Murray Downs Landing Ground Murray Downs School Murray Hill Murtulki Museum of Central Australia Musgrave Musgrave Well Mussel Waterhole Musty Well N0 22 Bore Nairobi Well Nallysnum Bore Nancy Hill Narbib Range Narpa Bore Nathan Dam Nathan Hill National Pioneer Womens Hall of Fame Native Gap Native Gap Dam N’Dhala Gorge N’Dhala Gorge Nature Park Neds Dam Needle Bush Creek Neewaa Waterhole Nelson Bore Nelson Hole Dam Netting Bore Neutral Junction Neutral Junction School Never Fail Dam Never Never Dam New Barrow Bore New Black Diamond Bore New Bore New Bore 1 New Bore 2 New Bullock Bore New Chum Dam New Crown New Dam New Ilparpa New Lizzie Bore New No 15 Bore New No 16 Bore New Sandhill Bore New Well New Well Bore New Year Dam Newland Park Newland Ranges Newlands Bore Newlands Creek Newmarket Bore Ngalpa Ngalpa Ngalpa Ngalpa Hill Ngappamilarnu Ngkwarlerlanem Ngurrara Ngurrutiji Ngurrutiji Rockhole Nguyarramini Nguyarrmini Rockhole Niko Hill Nilligan Tank Nine Mile Bore Nine Mile Creek Nine Mile Dam Nine Mile Waterhole Nip Hole Nishan-E-Afghan Park Nmvg 686 No 1 Bathurst Bore No 1 Bore No 1 Creek No 1 Dam No 1 Sisters Dam No 1 Top Bore No 1 Top Yard No 10 Argadargada Bore Landing Ground No 10 Bore No 10 Dam No 10 New Bore No 10 Redford Bore No 101 Bore No 102 Bore No 103 Bore No 104 Bore No 108 Bore No 109 Bore No 11 Argadargada Bore Landing Ground No 11 Bore No 11 Coolibah Bore No 11 Dam No 11 S R Bore No 11 Tank No 110 Bore No 12 Boomerang Bore No 12 Bore No 12 Dam No 12 Kilgour Bore No 12 Tank No 12 Yard No 12a Bore No 13 Bore No 13 Dam No 13 Letica Bore No 13 Tank No 14 Bore No 14 Paddock No 15 Argadargada Bore Landing Ground No 15 Bore No 15 Yard No 16 Bore No 16 Dam No 16 Yard No 17 Argadargada Bore Landing Ground No 17 Bore No 17 Dam No 17 Scrubby Bore No 18 Bore No 18 Dam No 19 Bore No 19 Dam No 19 Mikado Bore No 2 Bathurst Bore No 2 Bore No 2 Creek No 2 Dam No 2 Goat Hole Bore No 2 Sisters Dam No 2 Top Yard No 20 Bore No 20 Bore & Yards No 20 Dam No 21 Bore No 21 Dam No 22 Bore No 23 Bore No 23 Paddock No 24 Bore No 24 Dookamunda Bore No 24 Holding Paddock No 25 Bore No 25 Dam No 25 Paddock No 26 Bore No 27 Bore No 27 Dam No 27 New Cattle Creek Bore No 28 Bore No 28 Dam No 29 Bore No 3 Blue Bush Bore No 3 Bore No 3 Dam No 3 Gibson Bore No 3 Johnos Bore No 3 Shakespeare Bore No 3 Well No 30 Bore No 31 Bore No 32 Bore No 33 Bore No 33 Bore Duck Hole Bore No 34 Bore No 35 Bore No 36 Bore No 36 Creek No 37 Bore No 3A Bore No 4 Bathurst Tank No 4 Bore No 4 Colson Dam No 4 Dam No 4 New Year Bore No 41 Bore No 42 Bore No 44 Bore No 45 Bore No 46 Bore No 47 Bore No 48 Bore No 5 Alluvial Bore No 5 Bore No 5 Dam No 5 Drought Relief Bore No 5 Goose Hole Bore No 5 Govt Jasper Bore No 5 Paddock No 5 Western Creek Bore No 50 Bore No 51 Bore No 53 Bore No 54 Bore Bull Bore No 55 Bore No 56 Bore No 58 Bore No 59 Bore No 6 Bore No 6 Four Mile Bore No 6 Ledan Peak Bore No 6 Middle Blue Bush Bore No 60 Bore No 61 Bore No 62 Bore No 63 Bore No 64 Bore No 65 Bore No 66 Bore No 67 Bore No 68 Bore No 69 Bore No 7 Bore No 7 Dam No 7 Dingo Bore No 7Rockhampton Downs Bore No 70 Bore No 72 Bore No 73 Bore No 74 Bore No 76 Bore No 77 Bore No 79 Bore No 7a Bore No 8 Bore No 8 Bore Landing Ground No 8 Dam No 8 Perseverance Bore No 80 Bore No 81 Bore No 82 Bore No 83 Bore No 83 Dam No 86 Bore No 87 Bore No 88 Bore No 89 Bore No 9 Argadargada Bore Landing Ground No 9 Blue Bush Bore No 9 Bore No 9 Dam No 9 S R Bore No 90 Bore No 91 Bore No 93 Bore No 94 Bore No 95 Bore No 96 Bore No 97 Bore No 98 Bore No Name Bore Noakes Bore Nobles Nob Nobles Nob Mine Nolans Bore Nolans Dam Noll Bore Nombra Bore Noonda Creek Noonda Waterhole Noonie Park Nora Gap Nora Waterhole North Adder Paddock North Bore North Dam North East Dam North Side Emily Bore North Star North Star Dam & Bore North West Bore Nturiya Nturiya Health Centre Nuckua Soak Numagalong Homestead Number 2 Bore Number 3 Bore Number 4 Bore Number 5 Bore Number 6 Bore Number 6 Hinkler Bore Number 7 Bore Number 8 Bore Number 9 Bore Numery Numery Dam Numery Soak Nuradidgee Nyewente Nyinkka Nyunyu Interpretive Centre Nyngan Bore Oak Bore Oak Valley Ocean Dam Ode Bore Oil Bore Old Albs Bore Old Andado Old Arapunya Old Arapunya Bore Old Bullock Paddock Old Bushy Bore Old Crown Well Old Dam Old Hamilton Downs Old Huckitta Old Jinka Homestead Old Macdonald Downs Old Marqua Bore Old Owen Springs Old Police Station Waterhole Old Station Bore Old Station Dam Old Station Waterhole Old Station Well Old Timers Traeger Museum Oldfields Dam Oliffe Creek Oliffe Range Olive Pink Botanic Garden Olivers Bore Olivers Yard Olympic Bore One Tree Creek One Tree Hill Dam One Tree Point O’Neill Point Oneva Creek Ongeva Creek Oodnarta Waterhole Oodratnamma Waterhole Oolbra Dam Oolera Spring Oolgoolgarri Swamp Oomoolmilla Creek Oomoolmilla Spring Oorabra Creek Oorabra Rockhole Ooradidgee Rockhole Ooralingie Bore Ooraminna Ooraminna Dam Ooraminna Number 1 Oil Bore Ooraminna Range Ooraminna Waterhole Ooratippra Ooratippra Creek Ooratippra Waterhole Oorupida Spring Bore Opal Creek Orange Bore Orange Creek Orange No 1 Gas Well O’Reillys Bore Orlando Dam Orlando Mine Orrtipa-Thurra Health Centre Osborne Dam Osborne Range Our Lady Of Sacred Heart College Sadadeen Campus Our Lady Of Sacred Heart Primary School Outounya Creek Outounya Dam Outside Creek Owairtilla Rockhole Owen Owen Springs Owen Springs Power Station Owen Well P I B Paddock Packhorse Bore Packhorse Dam Pacoota Bore Paddock Dam Paddys Hole Creek Paddys Hole Dam Paddys Plain Paddys Soak Well Paddys Tank Paddys Waterhole Padra Bore Paech Dam Painter Springs Paisley Bluff Pakulki Palmer River Palmer Valley Panjirriji Bore Pannikan Dams Pantharrpilenhe Papuana Bore Paradise Bore Paradise Well Parakeelia Peak Parakylia Dam Partnparinji Pascoe Springs Paupers Well Payeperrentye B Peaked Hill Pedlar Well Peebles Bore Peebles Creek Peendenmurra Creek Peko Peko Park Pelican Waterhole Penyeme Pep Camp Yard Percy Hill Perry Ponds Perta Hill Pertarratenge Perte Therre Peter Waterhole Pettigrew Creek Petulki Waterhole Petyale Phillip Creek Phillip Creek Bore Phillipson Bore Phillipson Creek Phillipson Pound Picnic Bore Picton Spring Pidgeon Bore Pig Hole Creek Piggery Bore Piker Dam Pilgrim Park Pillar Range Pin Up Bore Pin Up Yard Pinch Bore Pine Gap Pine Gap Dam Pine Valley Pingelly Waterhole Pinnacle Dam Pinnacle Hills Pinnacle Well Pinnacles Bores Pituri Bore Plains Bore Playford River Plenty Bore Plenty Dam Plenty River Plenty River Eastern Channel Plenty River Mica Mining Area Plenty River Western Channel Plew Bore Plowman Park Pmara Juntjunta Health Centre Pmara Jutunta Poeppel Corner Poeppel Park Point Eremophila Point Wakefield Poison Creek Polhill Poll And Diamond Dam Polly Corner Polly Springs Poodinitterra Hill Pooley Bore Poomingie Waterhole Poona Well Porcupine Dam Porcupine Swamp Porter Well Possum Creek Post Hill Potato Bore Pound Bore Pound Creek Pound Spring Pound Yard Power Of Wealth Prentice Lake Pretty Camp Dam Prince Henry Gap Princes Bore Prominent Pillar Prosperity Bore Prossers Bore Prowse Gap Pudden Stone Waterhole Pulpit Rock Pulya Pulya Creek Pulya Pulya Dam Pump Waterhole Punch Hole Bore Pungalindum Pungelindum Rockhole Punjarriji Purrukuwurru Puzzle Waterhole Pwerte Marnte Marnte Pwertentye Quartz Blow Quartz Hill Quauntong Bore Queensland Bore Querinya Waterhole Quondong Bore Rabbit Creek Rabbit Flat Bore Rabbit Waterhole Rabbit Well Racecourse Creek Raider Well Railway Bore Rainbow Valley Bore Rainbow Valley Conservation Reserve Rainbow Valley Tank Rainmakers Hill Randall Peak Bore RandallS Peak Ranken Ranken Plain Bore Ranken River Ranken Stock Route Ranken Store Ranken Waterhole Rankines Bore Razorback Bore Receiving Station Red Bluff Red Cliff Red Dam Red Heart Bore Red Ochre Dam Red Ochre Spring Red Range Well Red Rock Bore Red Rock Dam Red Tank Red Waterhole Redbank Creek Redbank Waterhole Redbank Yard Redcliff Dam Redford Paddock Redlake Dam Reedy Hole Waterhole Relief Dam Resources Bore Rhonda Diano Park Ridgepole Creek Ridgewall Waterhole Rieck Dam Riecks Dam Rigaud Tower Riley Waterhole Ringwood Road Transport Hall of Fame Robbie Bore Roberts Park Robinson Dam Rockhole Bore Rockhole Creek Rockhole Dam Rocklands East Bore Rocklands West Bore Rocky 2 Bore Rocky Creek Rocky Dam Rocky Hill Rocky Hole Rocky Hole Yard Rocky Range Rocky Yard Rodinga Rodinga Dam Rodinga Range Roe Creek Roe Point Rogers Dam Rona Glynn Pre School Rooney Waterhole Rooney Yard Root Bore Rorke Bore Ross Ross Bore Ross Park Primary School Ross River Ross River Resort Rotaract Park Round Hole Yard Ruby Gap Gorge Rumbalara Claypan Dam Rumbalara Siding Rungutjirba Ridge Russell Well Rusty Dam Ruths Bore Ryan Well Ryan Well Historical Reserve Ryko Lookout Sadadeen Sadadeen High School Sadadeen Pre School Sadadeen Primary School Sadadeen Range Saddle Flap Dam Safari Bore Salt Bore Salt Creek Bore Salt Creek Dam Salt Hole Salt Lake City Bore Salt Springs Salt Well Creek Saltbush Bore Salthole Dam Sambo Dam Sandover Sandover Dam Sandover River Sandover River Floodout Sandscreen Bore Sandstone Bore Sandy Bore Sandy Creek Bore Sandy Dam Santa Teresa Aerodrome Santa Teresa Police Station Sapper Soak Bore Satelite Dam Scarr Hill Scotty Bore Scrub Cairn Scrub Dam Scrub Hill Scrub Hole Scrub Well Scrubby Creek Scrubby Nest Scrubby Paddock Shady Bore Shady Camp Waterhole Shady Camp Yard Shakespeare Creek Shamrock Speedway Shank Creek Shannon Bore Sharpes Grave Sheep Camp Bore Sheep No 2 Bore Sheep Waterhole Shemmedys Bore Shepley Bore Sheppard Bore Shirley Creek Siberia No1 Bore Sides Bore Sides Yard Silvermine Simpson Simpsons Gap Simpsons Gap National Park Simpsons Gap Ranger Station Simpsons Gap Visitors Centre Singleton Sister Hills Sisters Hills Site 3013 Six Mile Bore Six Mile Creek Sixteen Mile Creek Skinner Bore Skinner Creek Skinner Pound Skinnys Dam Skipper Hill Skull Creek Sliding Rock Well Small Dam Smith Bore Smiths Bore Smiths Lookout Smiths Pinch Smoko Dam Snake Hole Snake Hole Creek Snake Nest Snake Well Snow Bore Snow Kenna Park Soakage Bore Soakage Creek Soakage Dam Soapy Bore Soudan Soudan Yard South Adder Paddock South East Creek South East Creek Yard South Gate Bore South Point South Well Bore Southern Creek Southern Cross Bore Southward Bore Southwark Bore Spears Bore Speechley Bore Spencer Gorge Spencer Hill Spencer Park Spider Bore Spinifex Bore Spinifex Dam Split Lagoon Split Lagoon Paddock Spotted Tiger Spriggs Creek Spriggs Creek Bore Spring Bore Spring Creek Spring Creek Bore Spring Creek Dam Spring Point Spring Range Spring Range Bore Spring Range Waterhole Sputnik Bore St Phillips College Stadium Bore Stake Yard Stalin Creek Stallion Creek Stan Bore Standley Chasm Stanovos Creek Stapletons Pinnacle Star Bore Star Creek Station Creek Station Dam Station Hill Steele Gap Stirling Creek Stirling Station School Stirling Swamp Stirling Well Stock Hill Stockman Waterhole Stockwell Bore Stokes Creek Stokes Dam Stones Bore Stones Creek Stoney Dam Stoney Hole Strangways Range Stuart Stuart Pass Stuart Town Cemetery Stuart Town Gaol Stuart Well Stud Bore Stud Bore Hole Sturt 80 Bore Sturt Bore Sugarbag Bore Sugarbag Waterhole Sullivan Creek Sullivan Dam Sunday Sunrise Bore Supplejack Bore Surprise Dam Survey Bore Sutherland Creek Swanson Dam Syphon Tank Table Hill Table Hill Bore Table Hill Dam Table Top Bore Taffy Pick Causeway Talc Creek Talton Bore Tara Health Centre Taragan Waterhole Tarlton Downs Tarlton Hill Tarlton Range Tattara Waterhole Taylor Creek Taylor Hills Taylor Well Taylors Bore Taylors Claypan Dam Tea Tree Well Teatree Bore Teatree Creek Teatree Hole Teatree Yard Technicolour Dam Teds Dam Telbilinnie Rockhole Telephone Waterhole Temple Bar Ten Mile Dam Ten Mile Waterhole Tennant Creek Aerodrome Tennant Creek Ambulance Station Tennant Creek Bore Fields Tennant Creek Fire Station Tennant Creek General Cemetery Tennant Creek Golf Club Tennant Creek High School Tennant Creek Hospital Tennant Creek Police Station Tennant Creek Post Office Tennant Creek Pre School Tennant Creek Primary School Tennant Creek Public Library Tennant Creek Railway Station Tennant Creek Telegraph Station Tennant Hill Dam Tent Hill Teppa Hill Teppa Hill Pre School The Bank Bore The Bank Dam The Bluff Waterhole The Cone The Gap The Garden The Peak The Pinnacles The Residency The Sisters The Swamp The Twins Thingua Creek Thipanama Waterhole Three Mile Dam Three Mile Hill Three Ways Bore Three Ways Roadhouse Thring Bore Thring Creek Thring Swamp Thumper Bore Ti Tree Ti Tree Airstrip Ti Tree Health Centre Ti Tree Police Station Ti Tree School Tidenvale Creek Tilmouth Bore Tinarkie Bore Tinarkie Soak Tinfish Well Tinkarli Titjikala Titjikala Health Centre Titjikala School Titra Well Ti-Tree Roadhouse Tnerte Tobermorey Tobermorey Station Cemetery Todd Dam Todd Plain Todd River Toko Range Tolley Bore Tom Brown Roundabout Tomahawk Bore Tomahawk Creek Tomahawk Range Tomahawk Swamp Tomahawk Waterhole Tommyhawk Swamp Tommys Gap Dam Toms Bore Tonys Dam Toomba Range Top Corner Bore Top Soak Top Waterhole Top Well Tosca Mine Tottenham Creek Touchy Touch Bore Tower Rock Town of Alice Springs Town of Hart Range Town of Hatches Creek Town of Ti Tree Towners Best Towners Best Landing Ground Townshend Bore Traceys Dam Trackrider Bore Traeger Park Train Hills Treacle Hill Waterhole Trephina Creek Trephina Gorge Trephina Gorge Nature Park Trevor Reid Park Trevors Bore Trevors Dam Trew Bore Trew Creek Trig Bore Trishes Hill Trucking Yard Tucker Park Tug Creek Turkey Camp Yard Turkey Creek Turkey Dam Turkey Flat Dam Turkey Nest Turn Off Bore Turner Bore Turners Camp Turnoff Bore Tuxworth Fullwood Museum Twelve Mile Dam Twenty Seven Mile Dam Twetye A Twetye B Twin Bore Twin Soak Bore Twins Bore Two Wells Bore Tyre Dam Tywenpe A Tywenpe C Tywenpe D U 737 U 738 U 739 U 744 U 745 U 747 U 748 U 749 U 750 U 751 U 760 U 761 U 762 Ugnada Bore Ulbulla Ulgarna Bore Ulgarna Creek Ulgnamba Bore Ulta Creek Uluperte Umbeara Umbeara Well Umberumbera Hills Umberumbera Waterhole Unca Creek Unca Hill Undippa Dam Undoolya Undoolya Bore Undoolya Gap Undunya Waterhole Unka Bore Unka Waterhole Unrapa Tank Upper Amazon Lagoon Uranium Bore Uridjidi Hill Urlampe Utnalanama Range Utopia Utopia School Vaddingilla Rockhole Valley Bore Valley Dam Vernas Gap Bore Veros Hills Victory Waterhole Village Camp W 1 Dam W 2 Dam W 3 Dam Wabco Dam Waggaridge Dams Waggon Hole Bore Waggon Road Dam Wagon Claypan Dam Wagrangara Dam Wairminnie Rockhole Waite Creek Waite River Wakurlpu Walcataman Waterhole Waldigalong Claypan Waldo Pedlar Bore Wales Paddock Walkabout Bore Walkabout Creek Walkers Bore Wall Creek Wall Creek Railway Siding Wall Hole Walla Hills Wallaby Gap Dam Wallaby Knob Wallace Rock Yards Wanda Creek Warka Warka Creek Warlpeyangkrere Warrego Bore No 6 Warrego Dam Warrego Mine Warrego Primary School Warumungu Waterhouse Range Waterloo Bore Watiyangu Waterhole Watson Creek Watt Range Wauchope Wauchope Creek Wauchope Landing Ground Way Creek Weaner Hole Dam Weaner Waterhole Webb Dam Webb Dam Argadargada Landing Ground Wee Lingaree Creek Weedens Yard Weepita Bore Welere Wellmullinna Creek Welmala Werre-Therre West Bore West Dam West End Bore Western Bore Western Creek Western Creek Paddock Western Watering Point Westland Park Whinams Spring Whinjin Bore Whippet Whippet Hill Whisky Camp Bore Whisky Camp Creek Whistle Duck Dam Whistle Duck Hole Whistleduck Bore Whistleduck Creek Whistleduck Mine Whistleduck Waterhole White Dam White Devil Mine White Gums White Hill White Hill Bore White Hill Dam White Hill Yard White Hills Bore White Hills Tank White Hole Dam White Hole Waterhole White Range White Top Whitehorse Mine Whitehorse Tank Whitepoint Bore Whiterock Dam Whitewood Bore Whitewood Dam Wickstead Creek Widgetty Bore Wigley Gorge Wiitin Williams Bore Williams Creek Williams Well Willoughby Bore Wilora Wilora Health Centre Wilyunpa Bore Wilyunpa Waterhole Windy Dam Winnecke Bore Winnecke Depot Creek Winnecke Depot Waterhole Winnecke Goldfield Winnecke Goldfields Cemetery Winnecke Gorge Winnecke Waterhole Wire Yard Wiso Peko Bore Wiso Bore Wolfram Hill Wollagalong Bore Wollagalonng Outstation Wolseley Wonardo Paddock Wonga Creek Wood Duck Creek Wood Duck Swamp Wood Duck Well Woodenjerrie Waterhole Woodforde River Woodgreen Woodroffe River Woods Dam Woola Downs Woolanga Bore Wotan Wuluma Hills Wunara Wuppa Wutungurra Wutunugurra Wycliffe Creek Wycliffe Sandridge Wycliffe Well Wycliffe Well Holiday Park Wyeecha Spring Xmas Hole XXXX Bore Yaddanilla Creek Yakkula Hills Yalura Hill Yalura Well Yam Bore Yam Creek Yam Creek Bore Yamba Dam Yambah Yambah Landing Ground Yambla Creek Yambla Dam Yaningidjara Hills Yankie Dam Yardida Bore Yeeradgi Rockhole Yellow Cliff Crossing Yellow Hole Bore No 7 Yellow Hole Dam Yellow King Yellow Queen Yellow Waterhole Yerik Tank Yerrinjerri Rockhole Yipirinya School Yirara College Yirrariji Rockhole Younghusband Range Yuljardna Bore Yundurbungu Hills Mount Aaron Aberford Abes Hole Creek Abes Waterhole Ablon Aboukir Abudda Lakes Abydos Acacia Acacia Creek Acheron Creek Achill Actress Creek Ada Creek Ada Water Facility Adaford Adams Adavale Adder Waterhole Adderley Addison Adie Creek Adria Affleck Mount Affleck Afghan Afton Agate Agate Creek Age Creek Aggas Agnes Lake Mount Agnes Agosta Agra Agrippa Ainsworth Akkoo Creek Alabama Aladdin Alarcos Alba Albion Alcala Alcazabar Alcona Aldeys Waterhole Alexander Creek Alf Creek Alfred Bluff Mount Alfred Alhambra Alice River Alice Water Facility Alick Alick Creek Alison Creek Alivinna Alkina Allawonga Allawonga Springs Allaya Allen Range Alleogera Waterhole Alliance Alligator Creek Allison Alma Range Alma Waterhole Alnagata Alpena Alroy Creek Alroy Water Facility Alsace Alsace Waterhole Amah Amaroo Lake Amaroo Amazon Ambathala Ambathala Creek Amber Ambrose American Gorge Ames Amphitheatre Creek Ancrum Anderson Hole Creek Andersons Creek Mount Angelay Annandale Annandale Carrawallia Waterhole Anning Anning Creek Anson Anstey Anthill Creek Anthony Creek Antony Anvil Creek Apatuncka Waterhole Apex Aplin Mount Aplin Apollo Appamilki Waterhole Apple Creek April Creek Apsley Lane Water Facility Apurlu Aramac Creek Araquin Arcadia Arcadia Water Facility Arcas Archer Creek Ardmore Argoon Argus Argus Creek Argylla Argylla Creek Ariel Arning Waterhole Arounga Waterhole Arra Arrabury Waterhole Arranmore Water Facility Arrilalah Arrilalah Water Facility Arthur Range Arthurs Creek Arthurs Hill Arthurs Mount Artietidna Waterhole Aruko Ashantee Creek Ashby Athenry Athis Athol Tank Water Facility Atina Aubeg Aubeg Creek Aurora Austral Downs Gate Autieul Mount Avarice Avella Avenue Avington Waterhole Avlona Aynsley Ayrshire Ayrshire Hills Back Creek Back Plain Bacton Bagoor Bagshot Bagstowe Mount Baigi Baildon Baird Bairds Table Mountain Bakers Lagoon Bakewell Balbi Balcary Balcooma Creek Bald Hills Creek Bald Mountain Bald Top Balfron Ballara Ballindalloch Bally

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