Burkina Faso Map ITMB




Road map in color with information for travelers. Differentiates five kinds of roads from all-weather paved roads (numbered) to seasonal roads to unsurfaced roads and rough tracks. Approximate distances shown in kilometers. Places of interest located directly on the map: international and domestic airports and airfields, petrol stations, train stations, bus stations, post offices, hospitals, medical clinics, hotels, lodging, resthouses or hostels, campsites or huts, border crossings, places where crossing is forbidden, scenic views, museums, archeological sites, forts, mosques, churches / missions, buildings, tourist information centers, banks, wells, mining areas. Shows streams / creeks, intermittent streams, areas of periodic flooding. Index of place names. Subtle color changes show changes in elevation. Brief geographical profile with area, languages, religion, etc. Latitude / longitude. Printed on one side. Scale 1:1,000,000.

  • Map: 1 pages
  • Publisher: ITMB Publishing; 1 edition (March 1, 2004)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 155341151X
  • ISBN-13: 978-1553411512
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