Edinburgh and Southern Scotland Map ITMB


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The Royal City of Edinburgh has a long history and the sites to justify a good visit. First is Edinburgh castle, built on a jagged rock outcrop and continuously occupied for a thousand years. Then there’s the famous High Street, leading to Holyrood Palace, the Regency houses off Princes Street, and the many monuments commemorating Scotland’s long history. Hotels, galleries, museums, and parks are shown as well.

This map is brand new artwork, not an update. On the reverse side, we have added a good quality OS-based map of all of Scotland for those travellers combining a visit to Edinburgh with a visit to other parts of the country. This map is not intended to be a replacement for our more detailed, double-sided map of Scotland, which continues in print, but it is the base for our next edition of our ITM Scotland map sometime next year.

ISBN 9781771292597


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