Portugal and South of Spain Map ITMB





Southern Spain and Portugal on a double-sided, indexed road map at 1:600,000 from ITMB showing topography by altitude colouring by bands in feet but with spot heights given in metres. On one side is Portugal with coverage extending east into Spain to Zamora, Salamanca and beyond Seville; on the reverse the map provides coverage of the remaining part of Spain south of the Cáceres – Valencia line.

Road network shows motorways, main and secondary roads, but with only selected local roads, indicating driving distances. Railway lines are included.

Symbols indicate various places of interest. The map has latitude and longitude lines at 1º intervals. Each side has a separate index.

ISBN: 9781771296120 

Scale: 1:600,000 

Size Folded:11x25cm 


Product Type:Sheet map, folded 

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