Alice Springs 1-250,000 Topographic Map
$15.95 – $30.95
Alice Springs 1-250,000 Topographic Map Geoscience Australia is NOW PRINT ON DEMAND.
This 1-250,000 topographic map is part of the series that covers the whole of Australia at a scale of 1:250 000 (1cm on a map represents 2.5 km on the ground) and comprises 513 maps. This is the largest scale at which published topographic maps cover the entire continent. Each standard map covers an area of 1.5 degrees longitude by 1 degree latitude or about 150 kilometres from east to west and 110 kilometres from north to south. There are about 50 special maps in the series and these maps cover a non-standard area. Typically, where a map produced on standard sheet lines is largely ocean it is combined with its landward neighbour. These maps contain natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours (interval 50m), localities and some administrative boundaries. The topographic map and data index shows coverage of the sheets. Product Specifications Coverage: The series covers the whole of Australia with 513 maps. Currency: Ranges from 1995 to 2009. 95 of maps have a reliability date of 1994 or later. Coordinates: Geographical and either AMG or MGA (post-1993) Datum: AGD66, GDA94, AHD. Projection: Universal Traverse Mercator (UTM) Medium: Paper, flat and folded copies.
Beginning of the Tanami Road Alice Springs to Halls Creek
Alice Springs Amoonguna Namatjira Camp Todd River Downs Station 10 Mile Bore 10 Mile Dam 12 Mile Bore 12 Mile Dam 13 Mile Bore 14 Mile Bore 15 Mile Bore 16 Mile Bore 16 Mile Camp 2 Mile Bore 5 Mile Dam 8 Mile Dam 9 Mile Yard Acacia Hill School Acacia Well Adelaide House Museum Adla Hill Akngwertnarre Aladdins Waterhole Alatyeye Alice Springs Airport Alice Springs Ambulance Station Alice Springs Community College Alice Springs Desert Park Alice Springs Fire Station Alice Springs General Cemetery Alice Springs Golf Course Alice Springs Health Centre Alice Springs High School Alice Springs Hospital Alice Springs Pistol Club Alice Springs Police Station Alice Springs Post Office Alice Springs Public Library Alice Springs Railway Station Alice Springs RSL Military Museum Alice Springs School of the Air Alice Springs Telegraph Station Alice Springs Telegraph Station Historical Reserve Alkuptija Alladin Dam Allua Well Amarata Range Amarata Waterhole Ambalindum Amoonguna Health Centre Amoonguna School Angatyepe Angkarla Hill Anthelk-Ewlpaye Anthepe Anuma Creek Anzac Hill Anzac Hill High School Anzac Oval Aper-Alwerrknge Araluen Araluen Arts Centre Araluen Christian School Arltunga Bore Arltunga Historical Reserve Arrillhjere Artekerre Arumbera Atnarpa Atnarpa Creek Atnarpa Range Aturga Wells Bald Hill Bald Hill Dam Bartlett Pinnacle Bastard Bore Beaver Dam Ben Walkington Dam Bendy Bore Benstead Bore Billy Goat Hill Bitter Springs Bitter Springs Creek Black Cone Black Tank Bore Blackfellows Bones Bore Blacktank Bore Blatherskite Park Bloodwood Dam Bluebush Bore Boen Hill Bond Bond Dam Bond Springs Bond Springs Landing Ground Box Hole Bore Box Hole Dam Bradshaw Pre School Bradshaw Primary School Braitling Braitling Primary School Brett Creek Brewer Plain Brumby Dam Bull Soak Dam Bulldust Bore Bullocky Dam Bulltrap Bore Bulltrap Yard Burt Bluff Burt Creek Burt Dam Cadney Bore Cadney Creek Cairn O T Campbell Park Canteen Bore Canteen Creek Cattlewater Pass Cavenagh Range Cement Dam Central Australian Aviation Museum Centralian Senior College Chabbana Waterholes Chalmers Park Charles Darwin University Alice Springs Charles River Chinaman Creek Choritja Hill Ciccone Claraville Claypan Dam Clough Dam Coles Dam Coles Hill Colleen Dam Colyer Creek Connellan Corkwood Bore Corroboree Rock Corroboree Rock Conservation Reserve Cottonbush Dam Cox Bore Cyclops Bore D D Smith Park Davidson Park Davis Bore Deep Well Desert Springs Driver East Side Eastern Bore Eblana Creek Edwards Creek Elder Creek Elitjia Emily Emily And Jessie Gaps Nature Park Emily Creek Emily Gap Emily Plain Enbra Hills Eronthonnga Waterholes Everard Scrub Ewaninga Ewyenper-Atwatye Fenn Gap Fenn Gap West Fergusson Range Fifteen Mile Creek Finlayson Park Fish Hole Waterhole Flagon Flint Spring Florence Creek Flynn Flynn Park Forrest Park Foxalls Well Frances Smith Memorial Park Frank Mcellister Community Park Fred McKay Museum Gaylad Creek Gaylad Dam Georgina Gap Georgina Range Ghan Legends Museum Gidyea Bore Giles Creek Giles Gap Dam Giles Waterhole Gillen Gillen Pre School Gillen Primary School Gillens Bore Goat Camp Creek Goat Camp Dam Greentree Dam Grey Park Gumtree Bore Hale Plain Halfway Bore Halfway Dam Harry Bore Harry Creek Harry Dam Hartley Street School Harts Range Hayes Heavitree Gap Heavitree Gap Police Station Honeymoon Gap Hoppy’s Camp Horse Paddock Dam Ida Stanley Pre School Ilparpa Ilparpa Swamp Ilparpa Swamp Wildlife Protected Area Ilperle-Tyathe Ilpiye-Ilpiye Ilyiperenye Inarlenge Inbina Atwatye Inglula Hills Irklancha Atwacha Irlpme Ironwood Bore Ironwood Creek Irriltyere A Irriltyere B Itchy Koo Park Iteyepintye Itperlyenge Itwiyethwenge Iwupataka James Orr Overpass Jay Creek Jennings Gorges Jessie Creek Jessie Dam Jessie Gap Jim Mcconville Park Jinker Bore Jinker Creek John Blakeman Bridge John Flynns Grave John Flynn’s Grave Historic Reserve John Hayes Rockhole Joker Flat Dam Joppita Bore Julie Dam Junction Bore Junction Waterhole Karnte Kempeana Park Kong Bore Kunoth Bore Kunoth Park Kwale Kwale Larapinta Larapinta Pre School Larapinta Primary School Larapinta Valley Laura Creek Lewis Gilbert Park Living Waters Lutheran School Lloyd Loves Creek Macdonnell Siding Maddens Well Mango Dam Marbles Bore Marlgara Range Maud Creek Maynard Park Mc Grath Creek Mc Grath Flat Dam Mc Leish Yard McCoy Park Meyers Hill Mistake Bore Mordor Pound Morrie Hocking EDM Baseline Mosquito Bore Mount Benstead Mount Benstead Creek Mount Blatherskite Mount Brassey Mount Campbell Mount Chapman Mount Coghlan Mount Ertwa Mount Everard Mount Forstor Mount Gillen Mount Gordon Mount Johns Mount Johnston Mount Johnston Dam Mount Laughlen Mount Lloyd Mount Mabel Mount Maybel Mount Milton Mount Nancy Mount Palmer Mount Pfitzner Mount Riddoch Mount Riddoch Creek Mount Riddock Mount Russell Mount Sir Charles Mount Solitaire Mount Strangways Mount Twellar Mount Undoolya Mount Yambah Moyle Dam Mpwetyerre Mt Everard H F Radio Mt Riddock Landing Ground Mulga Dam Mulga Hole Bore Muller Bore Muller Flat Dam Museum of Central Australia Narbib Range National Pioneer Womens Hall of Fame N’Dhala Gorge N’Dhala Gorge Nature Park New Bullock Bore New Dam New Ilparpa New Well New Well Bore Newland Park Nishan-E-Afghan Park No 1 Bore No 1 Dam No 2 Bore No 3 Bore No 3 Dam No 5 Bore No 6 Bore Noonie Park North Side Emily Bore Nyewente Old Station Well Old Timers Traeger Museum Olive Pink Botanic Garden Olympic Bore Oneva Creek Ongeva Creek Oolbra Dam Oorupida Spring Bore Orange Bore Our Lady Of Sacred Heart College Sadadeen Campus Our Lady Of Sacred Heart Primary School Owen Owen Springs Power Station Paddys Hole Creek Paddys Hole Dam Paddys Plain Paech Dam Painter Springs Pannikan Dams Pantharrpilenhe Paradise Well Payeperrentye B Perta Hill Perte Therre Phillipson Pound Pig Hole Creek Pine Gap Pine Gap Dam Pine Valley Pinnacles Bores Plowman Park Poeppel Park Porter Well Pulya Pulya Dam Pwertentye Randall Peak Bore RandallS Peak Receiving Station Red Ochre Dam Red Range Well Red Rock Bore Red Rock Dam Relief Dam Rhonda Diano Park Rieck Dam Ringwood Road Transport Hall of Fame Roberts Park Roe Creek Roe Point Rogers Dam Rona Glynn Pre School Ross Ross Park Primary School Ross River Ross River Resort Rotaract Park Ruby Gap Gorge Rungutjirba Ridge Sadadeen Sadadeen High School Sadadeen Pre School Sadadeen Primary School Sadadeen Range Saltbush Bore Santa Teresa Scrub Hill Scrub Well Shannon Bore Simpsons Gap Simpsons Gap National Park Simpsons Gap Ranger Station Simpsons Gap Visitors Centre Sliding Rock Well Small Dam Snake Well Snow Bore Snow Kenna Park Southern Cross Bore Spencer Hill Spencer Park Spinifex Bore Spotted Tiger St Phillips College Star Creek Station Dam Stones Bore Strangways Range Stuart Stuart Town Cemetery Stuart Town Gaol Stud Bore Taffy Pick Causeway Teds Dam Temple Bar Teppa Hill Teppa Hill Pre School The Gap The Garden The Residency Tnerte Todd Plain Todd River Tom Brown Roundabout Tommys Gap Dam Top Well Town of Alice Springs Traeger Park Trephina Creek Trephina Gorge Trephina Gorge Nature Park Trevor Reid Park Tucker Park Tug Creek Turners Camp Twetye A Twetye B Twin Bore Tywenpe A Tywenpe C Tywenpe D Ulgarna Bore Ulgnamba Bore Undoolya Undoolya Bore Undoolya Gap Utnalanama Range Valley Dam Wagrangara Dam Wallaby Gap Dam Wallace Rock Yards Watson Creek Werre-Therre West Bore Westland Park Whistleduck Bore White Dam White Gums White Hill Dam White Range Whitepoint Bore Wigley Gorge Williams Bore Williams Creek Williams Well Winnecke Depot Creek Winnecke Depot Waterhole Winnecke Goldfield Winnecke Goldfields Cemetery Winnecke Gorge Woolanga Bore Wuluma Hills Wyeecha Spring Yambah Yambah Landing Ground Yipirinya School Yirara College Wollanga Waterhole Ten Mile Dam Mount Riddock Homestead Mount Mabelle Foxall Well Schabers Maud Waterhole Mount Johnstone Hart Range Mullers Camp Five Mile Dam Balh Hill McGrath Creek Winneckes Depot Tug River Paradise Waterhole Lizzie Creek Illuricka Mount Laughlan Mount Russel Ambalindam Randalls Peak Porters Well Arltunga Arltunga Mission Arltunga Police Station Ruby Gap Sixteen Mile Bore Kunoth Well Kunoch Well Bull Trap Well Trafina Creek Potters Well Benstead Creek Atnarpa Well South Gap Waterhole Etneemba Waterhole NDhala Gorge Nature Park Alice Springs Waterhole John Flynns Grave Historic Reserve Eight Mile Dam Rocky Hill Shannon Well Fergusson Ranges Strehlows Camp The Ross Twelve Mile Dam Oolta Spring Number One Dam The Gile Number Three Dam Ewaninga Siding Ooraminna Waterhole
Name: | Alice Springs |
Publisher: | Geoscience Australia (Australian Government) |
Scale: | 1:250000 |
Latitude Range: | 23° 00.0′ S – 24° 00.0′ S |
Longitude Range: | 133° 30.0′ E – 135° 0.0′ E |
Projection / Datum: | Universal Transverse Mercator, GDA94 |
Approx Print Size: | 0.44m X 0.67m |
Publication Date: | 1-Jun-04 |