Curdimurka 1-250,000 Topographic Map
$15.95 – $30.95
This 1-250,000 topographic map is part of the series that covers the whole of Australia at a scale of 1:250 000 (1cm on a map represents 2.5 km on the ground) and comprises 513 maps. This is the largest scale at which published topographic maps cover the entire continent. Each standard map covers an area of 1.5 degrees longitude by 1 degree latitude or about 150 kilometres from east to west and 110 kilometres from north to south. There are about 50 special maps in the series and these maps cover a non-standard area. Typically, where a map produced on standard sheet lines is largely ocean it is combined with its landward neighbour. These maps contain natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours (interval 50m), localities and some administrative boundaries. The topographic map and data index shows coverage of the sheets. Product Specifications Coverage: The series covers the whole of Australia with 513 maps. Currency: Ranges from 1995 to 2009. 95 of maps have a reliability date of 1994 or later. Coordinates: Geographical and either AMG or MGA (post-1993) Datum: AGD66, GDA94, AHD. Projection: Universal Traverse Mercator (UTM) Medium: Paper, flat and folded copies.
Irrpatana Railway Station Irrapatana Railway Reservoir Black Swan Waterhole Deep Creek Booth Hill Coward Cliff Finniss Yard Springs Bungarider North Dam Poole Creek Priscilla Creek Priscilla Springs Angas Bore Horse-Shoe Creek The Margaret Mankarra-Kari Buttercup Spring Lee Hill New Years Gift Bore Perry Lookout Mount Nor’west North Creek Bore New Twin Hill Trig Mudlark Dam Paparla Creek Yankee Gunya Dam Young Woman Spring Pitha Kalti-Kalti Irrapatana Railway Dam Yatjaparanha Weeringelbunna Swamp Weeringilpa Swamp Salt Springs Blue Hill Mine Ngarramunha Spring Charlie Swamp Bungarider South Dam Punthariyangu Elizabeth Springs Wangianna Railway Siding Callanna Bore Mount Hamilton Spring Willalinchina Yard Trig Hill Dam Strangways Springs Wirragilpina Swamp Rook Workings Ngarlamina Sprigs Finniss Swamp Apollo Bore Bopeechee Sandhill Campoven Dam Flat Hill Creek Waralanha Beatrice Bore Old Woman Springs Screech-Owl Creek The Blower Waterhole Blue Bush Dam Woods Bank Troopers Hill Beatrice Springs Pitamurrinna Bore Thompson Well Wangianna Creek Cadnia Hill Little Bubbler Margaret Overflow Willouran Range Angle Well Mona Dam Chambers Creek Mirra Bore Mirra Hut Mole Hill Rischbieth Well Mine Wiramudlanha Margaret Creek Kennebery Creek Salt Waterhole Wergowerangerilinna Creek Warburton Springs Curdimurka Railway Station Mount Hamilton Gregory Overflow Guts Spring Lethbridge Bore Three Hills Kingston Hut Beresford Railway Station Mirra Dam Turret Range Murray Spring Horse Springs Boundary Lake Dam Strangways Springs Station Pups Lagoon Creek Kadlongaroo Douglas Mine Dingo Soakage Coward Springs Maragana Waterhole Minoorina Kudna-Ngampa Trig Bore Wastell Dam No 13 East of Bluff Trig Yellow Waterhole Pelican Dam Cooranna Hut Warra Warra South West Mine Turret Hill Cliff Hole Yard Priscilla Yards Hermit Hill Emu Lookout Mclachlan Springs Unthuriya Maka Pangki Warrunha Bluebird Island Welcome Creek Bore No 2 Papapapanha Lake Lettie Bore No 1 Williams Point Tjarrtha-Njudlu Spring Stuart Creek Three Mile Tank Wurley Point New Peter Hill Trig Brolga Dam Wood Duck Yard Tarlton Knob Margaret Railway Station Alby Dam Beresford Spring Venable Spring The Gregory Theepa Bore The White Claypan Twin Hill Dead Boy Springs Murla-Murlaparanha Gregory Dam Maynard Bore The Dome Finniss Springs Homestead The Davenport Fred Springs Long Waterhole Mushroom Rock Bore 3 Top Mount Well Island Springs Utah Bore Fox Tank Cooranna Bore Welcome Creek Bore No 1 Bore 1 Emeroo Point Pigeon Hill Clark Creek Rischbieth Creek Rischbieth Well Little Hill Bull Paddock Spring Lake Bowman Douglas East Mine Cockatoo Bore Gum Creek Venable Bore Humphries Bore Junction Dam Pelican Point Walgarina Spring Charles Angus Bore Muna Dam Nob Hill Finniss Swamp Springs Deep Waterhole Mount Dam Claypan Tank Prominent Cliff The Dorothy Waterhole Kingston Well Callanna Creek Callanna Mine Thari-Tharinha Spring West Finniss Springs Hamilton Creek Gosse Spring Coward Springs Railway Station Thutirla Kumpira Springs Mirra Yard Pardnapa One Box Waterhole Jersey Springs Swan Island Box Creek Two Mile Tank Coward Railway Bore Alberrie Creek Kura-Kura-Pulanha Islands Callanna Railway Station Emerald Springs Finniss Bore Paisley Creek Porter Hill Mirra Creek Jackboot Yard Finniss Creek The Nob Warra Warra Mine Pirdalinha Brackish Spring Welcome Springs Welcome Creek Bore Wangkiyanha Chintapanna Well Rowley Park Dam Kewson Hill Strangways Bore Cooranna Waterhole Stakeyard Dam Ferguson Hill Prominent Hill Quart Pot Dam The Callanna Butterworth Dam Black Swamp Tank Davenport Springs Three Mile Well Wangianna Spring Gool Dam Yedlakoo Creek Coorichina Dam Boorloo Mine McEwin Bore Kingston Dam The Two Eyes Sugarloaf Hill Warriner Creek Beautiful Valley Bore Blanche Cup Springs Wild Dog Bore White Cliff Tarlton Knob Mine Mayflower Mine Mulga Creek Putumanha Springs Paisley Ponds Nyaroo Creek Beverley Dam Willalinchina Hut Kudna-Mukunha North Creek Morphetts Bore Whimberina Waterhole Tinta Dintana Creek Three Peaks Johns Dam Netting Bore Bungarider North Well Gregory Creek Beresford Hill Spring Thitarinha Bungarider South Well Dunns Mine Laidland Well West Willouran Mine Willouran Hill Peter Hill Strangways Springs Railway Station Walkura-Pulanha Callanna Flat Hill Jacob Spring Kingston Bore Weringilbunna Swamp Yalka-Parlumarna Dianne Dam Wirragilpina Dam Bruce Waterhole Clara St Dora Mine Old Kingston Well Kennebery Waterhole The Bubbler Lake Gregory Lake Phibbs Shelly Island Annabel Island Kidnimpiri Creek Paige Dam Watts Dam Bronco Yard Thirka McLachlan Pile Dillina Creek Walkararanha Coondabaringinna Creek Mandy Dam Ngarlamina Alberrie Creek Railway Siding Bopeechee Railway Station Mount Alford Rocky Point Sulphur Spring Jackboot Bore Bungarider Well Thidna-Pirrinha Spring Mirra Well Hamilton Hill Morris Creek Nelly Creek Dome Hill East Mount Dam Beltana Dam Mount Hamilton Station Beresford Hills Nunn Bore High Hill Cooryabbie Waterhole Lake Lowden Quart Pot Tank Welcome Creek Anchor Rise Yankee Gunya Waterhole Davenport Railway Siding Pound Creek Palkura Pintjanha Covrichina Dam Smith Springs Murla-Murlaparanha Springs Kadnungka Ngura Spring Wild Dog Dam Chintapanna Dam One Box Dam Wulley-Yarra Tent Hill Dam Tommy Dam Trecompana Hill Eyre Lookout West Mount Creek Euchre Park Mine Finniss Springs Chinamans Hat Hill Three Mile Bore Welcome Springs Pile Bore 2 Wabma Kadarbu Mound Springs Conservation Park Ngalpangkardanha Morris Creek Bore Charles Swamp Clayton Dam Abertachna Waterhole Welcome Bore Emu Dam Warra Warra West Mine Paparla Wimbra Waterhole Wibma-Malkara Whimberina Dam West Rock Mine Jam Tin Dam Hogan Well Munarinha Euramina Creek Pupitji Pigeon Hill Springs Stuart Creek Railway Station Roses Mine Coober Pedy Jimmy Spring Hermit Springs Hermit Creek Cobblers Ridge Stake Yard Dam Donald Dam Willalinchina Waterhole Sheep Camp Waterhole Maxs Bore Callanna Dam Yalka-Pakanha Stake Yard Top Mount Dam Thinti-Thintinha Hermit Range Salt Creek Uljurla Palthiyangunha Johnny Dam Bopeechee Spring Coorichina Catch Stone Pile Bartsch Creek Doughboy Dam White Elephant Well Jacob Well Young Dam No 12 Black Knob Smith Springs Bore Kalpirrinha Irpitji Warunha Priscilla Well Anna Springs Tooningina Dam Glen Hill Irpitji Warrunha Pups Lagoon Dam Kalatinka Dam Jackdaw Bank Dam Tent Hill Miltjaardi Pula Springs Pups Lagoon Homestead Smith Creek Wilparndanha Lee Dam Large Waterhole Mount Well Pam Bore Rischbieth Yard Bedourie Dam Prices Bore Rowe Swamp Wibma Thirkampa Kalatinka Well Davenport Creek Polygonum Waterhole The Neck The Sill Kangaroo Tank Goyder Channel Lake Ellen The Frome West Paddock Tank Arnold Dam Francis Creek Price Peninsula Lake Francis Sunday Tank Crows Nest Bore Peake-Jones Point Muloorina Hanson Tank Lake Lettie 3 Big Bore Bluebird Point Frome Tank Morley Camp Well The Three Mile Well Black Swamp Dam Marree Tank Lake Lettie Bore No 2 The Illusion Plains Mothers Day Tank Lake Callara Bullysandhill Tank Courthouse Tank Syd Tank Frome River Canegrass Tank Lake Warren Frome Soakage Clipps Tank Kalatinka Tank Lake Eyre South Fresh Spring Toongamoona Creek East of Bluff Irrapatana Station River Clayton Lake Frances River Frome Strangways Station Beresford Beresford Station Beresford Hill Nellys Creek The Welcome Morriss Creek Eyres Lookout Kewsons Hill Coward Springs Station Cowards Dillinna Creek Warriners Creek Margaret River Hamiltons Hill Stuarts Creek The Gregory Creek Curdimurka Curdimurka Station Peters Hill Kenneberry Creek Screech Owl Creek Bopeechee Station Alberrie Creek Station Callanna Station The Knob Wangianna Station Clara Saint Dora Mine Horseshoe Creek Glens Hill Stuarts Creek Station Chamber of Stuart Creek Fergusons Hill Clarks Creek Cowards Cliff Samphire Swamp Tarltons Knob Tarltons Nob Wastell Dam Number Thirteen Young Dam Number Twelve Lees Hill Mount Norwest Mount Nor West Charltes Swamp Porters Hill Napakulyana Ridge
Name: | Curdimurka |
Publisher: | Geoscience Australia (Australian Government) |
Scale: | 1:250000 |
Latitude Range: | 29° 0.0′ S – 30° 0.0′ S |
Longitude Range: | 136° 30.0′ E – 138° 0.0′ E |
Projection / Datum: | Universal Transverse Mercator, GDA94 |
Approx Print Size: | 0.44m X 0.67m |
Publication Date: | 1-Jun-00 |