Cradle Mountain Lake St Clair Map Tasmap


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Cradle Mountain Lake St Clair Map Tasmap

This map is printed on Waterproof paper

Walkers in this park can expect rapid changes in weather at any time of the year, ranging from strong wind, sleet, snow or rain to blazing sun, so a reliable map is an essential companion for a safe journey.

Rugged mountain ranges, alpine gardens, waterfalls, temperate rainforests and unique wildlife abound in the Cradle Mountain – Lake St Clair National Park, one of Tasmania’s most famous natural areas.

This map highlights the walking tracks and features tourist information along with general topographic detail and is essential for walkers traversing the world famous Overland Track.

The notes on the reverse side introduce visitors to the vegetation, land forms, animals, history of the area, bushwalking tips, safety essentials and booking requirements for the Overland Track.

Additional product information

Publisher Tasmap
Edition Date 2021
Size 111 x 190 x 5mm
Format Folded Map
Scale 1:100 000
ISBN 9318923026269
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